Snoys will try to defend this

Snoys will try to defend this

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Holy fuck


>No source

If it is real what really sucks is there's no real winning for them, the companies only going to really listen to money, if people boycott Naughty Dog and don't buy the game, then there's no bonus at all for em, or the company goes under and they're all outta jobs. If the game sells well Naughty Dog will have no real reason to change their shit because the game sold well regardless of what the employees did.

>SJW companies are massive scumbags
Surprising no one.

Good. Maybe now companies will think twice before throwing their grunts under the bus when those grunts can shred the value of years of your work out of spite. Plus I was never interested in the game to begin with.

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Hahaha, no. They'll just put in more clauses into their contracts to really, really, REALLY buttfuck them hard if they leak anything.

>No source
So just dude trust me rigte?

All leftists are hypocrites
It's just part of their nature

>Rules for thee and not for me

Do you not understand the concept of spite? A Pyrrhic victory? It doesn't matter if the employee loses as long as the company doesn't win. You should never push your employees to consider this a reasonable course of action.

It's a necessary sacrifice in the pursuit of Art, you don't worry about a few dollars when you're creating Michaelangelo or the Mona Lisa.

This might be true but bonuses like this would be provided by the publisher (Sony) not Naughty Dog itself. Also, the game's release is the end of June, not the holidays.

Unfortunately, corporations are typically run by sociopaths, so they will always take the worst course of action in these situations.

How the hell are they supposed to quantify the bonus amount before the game even releases and therefore sells, when the bonus amount is only determined by how many sales the game makes? I'd agree that it's fucked up that Cuckmann got a piece of the pie when most others didn't, but that kind of unfair bullshit isn't exactly abnormal in today's corporate-run society. Everything else is just straight up retarded, though. Whomever leaked the game is a dumb faggot.

>Oy vey, just bend over and take it like a good cuck, how dare you make things difficult for your superiors!
Why are white people always such corporate asslickers?

>Whomever leaked the game is a dumb faggot.
How so? He stuck his thumb in the eyes of the people that fucked with his money.

>People are still defending ND
I was hoping the bad publicity would make them go easy on him. Is it really gonna be as bad as pic related?

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you're a giant fag, bro.

holy shit these fucking faggots

>crybaby faggots larping as corporate lawyers
The fact that you even go there and consider the shit they say to be worth listening to speaks volumes about your mental capacity.

>mfw vindicated in the face of faggots bitching that these faggots weren't paid their nonexistent overtime checks
It's perfectly reasonable to request a pay advance and any worthwhile company to work for would do what they could.

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>Spending money in the present that you're uncetain to recieve in the future
God I hate financelets. They had it coming, get rekt.

>leaks stuff about games all the time

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Yeah Naughty Dog is totally left-wing, if your entire understanding of politics comes from Yas Forums infographs about niggers and trannies.

Basedboys are really angry that someone spoiled the story for them. They don't care about ND employees, it's all about them

Wait how do they know who the leaker is

I wonder how Sony Japan feel about the obnoxious lgbtq pandering the west has become

>Implying they weren't planned leaks for marketing

>not paying your lower ranked employees in favor of paying high ranked manager types makes you a leftists
Not everything you don't like is a leftists there is a much better word to use to describe ND which has never stood for the left no matter what politics they push.

I am 99% sure this ugly kike is just a paid shill for various gaming companies, who have him spy on the competition on their behalf. When he leaks stuff from the companies paying him, it's all intentional marketing. The rest is leaking shit from the competition.

EA or someone like that probably gives him contact info for ex-employees, who he then pretends to be friendly with and uses them to spy on their competitors. When convenient, he probably also snitches on them and gets them fired. I would never, EVER trust this guy with any info that would reveal my identity to him.