Obligatory jak and daxter thread 2

reminder that this series is the last good series naughty dog ever made

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never got further than peacemaker sewer hell

Uncharted was good, fuck you

yeah jak and daxter was consistently good, jak 2 and half of 3's are bullshit and broken though, or im just too much of a baby to play them right

That new haven police music is somehow imprinted into my brain despite only hearing it while I watched my older brother play it

yeah you were most likely too much of a baby to play them right, when i was a kid id get stuck on the rhythm based minigames that you couldn't skip. played the games again last year and had less trouble with them

Attached: 3243672 - Andava Ashelin_Praxis Jak_and_Daxter.jpg (1280x1859, 349.22K)

I got stuck on a racing level in Jak 2 for about a month or so then came back and eventually beat it and the rest of the game went smooth.

Ashelin is best girl fuck all the others

The only thing that's mediocre here is your sperm count

Are we also pretending they didn't end it with a kart racer?