Why do fags point out X's linearity as if that wasn't the standard until XII?
>muh world map
Literally fucking nothing. Older Final Fantasies still railroaded you from town to town with little exploration. All X did was remove the illusion of open ended exploration while still having all the stuff other titles had.
Why do fags point out X's linearity as if that wasn't the standard until XII?
the truth that jrpgfags hate to admit
>love it
Not an argument
>All X did was remove the illusion of open ended exploration
You know, lots of things in games are based on illusion and tricks to make things work, achieve certain feelings. Removing that illusion is all it took, doesn't make it any less damaging to how people percieved JRPGs.
I still think it was the wrong direction to remove world maps from JRPGs. They make worlds feel a lot smaller and less expansive, even though from technical point of view nothing really changed.
I feel that developers who made this decision were only looking at this purely on the technical level and not taking the entire game feel into consideration.
Well everyone hates open empty worlds so why do you want a world map anyways?
What I remember most fondly from FF games before FFX (and FFXII) is that I loved exploring, I loved walking and discovering things even if it was just a treasure chest. It felt like I was in control, not just following a straight road that isn't any better than watching a movie.
Linear is a spectrum, FFX represents an extreme that isn't similar to the other FF so don't pretend it is the same thing, faggot.
Linearity being a bad thing automatically is tantamount to a meme at this point, given how overwhelmingly terrible a lot of open world games can be.
I don't see anything wrong with how old FF games and other JRPGs handled exploration. I wouldn't call it open world because it wasn't, you were still pretty much railroaded, but you still had the option to visit towns that aren't mandatory, or not yet relevant to story, accidentally find caves or dungeons you weren't supposed to visit yet, etc. It definitely felt more like you were exploring another world. This magic is completely missing from the new corridor approach in FFX and 13.
Unironically after having experienced some of the open world slop that's come out for the last decade, FFX was a breath of fresh air.
Any FF that isn't FFX or anything after XII are linear but still open enough that you can do things. FFXII is more open than other but still not open world.
They're called wide-linear games. FFX is just linear as shit and it's a shit game because of it.
Trying to pit linear vs open world games is stupid because the only actual open world FF is FF15.
X also had optional content and things to do.
They are still fucking linear.
>They are still fucking linear.
Yes, you stupid fuck, they are still fucking linear. Who even claimed otherwise? Are you trying to dismiss based on this strawman that other FF games are just as linear as X?
Honestly, I think the idea of scaling up a JRPG town like Astral Chain makes more a more compelling pseudo-open world than the way games like Skyrim or any number of similar sandbox games approach it.
i like x a lot but its not fucking pronounced teedus god damn it i refuse to believe that
Why does it even matter, they never say his name anyway.
You literally cannot do anything in FFX for 80% of the game until you get the airship and even then the only side content is dumb stuff like dodging lightning and capturing monsters. Compare this to any other FF and this shit is fucking laughable.
There are games that can be too linear, FFX is one of them. Linear is not a catch-all term, it can mean very different things. FFXII was fine, FFX was not.
i know but there's a special cutscene in the remaster where yuna says his name like that and it makes me fumed to this day, i feel like they done it on purpose
>FFX is just linear as shit and it's a shit game because of it.
So you are saying older FFs are shit because they are linear?
>Compare this to any other FF and this shit is fucking laughable.
Bullshit. Other FFs had only a few things at best. X as you said eventually opens up and has a bevy of things for you to do.
Oh, I wasn't aware of that, I only finished the PS2 version. I got pretty far in the remaster but got sidetracked by Blitzballl at the very end, and that minigame completely burned all my desire out to ever start it again, so I never saw that cutscene.
Because it's not about the truth of the matter, you fucking braindead moron, it's about tricking your average little 14 year old into thinking there's a big open world even if it's locked off by cutscenes. Take that away and it feels exponentially smaller. They doubled down on it with ff13 and look how bad that was. Despite arguably being the WORST area in the game, having almost 0 content, people still call gran pulse the best part of 13.
>So you are saying older FFs are shit because they are linear?
Not even close, at this point you're playing dumb on purpose.
>So you are saying older FFs are shit because they are linear?
Jesus christ you fucking moron they're not the same thing. There is such a thing as being too linear. Older FFs weren't too linear, they even had non-linear sections such as the world of ruin in FF6. In FFX you will follow a straight road for the vast majority of the game and you cannot change your course in any way. No vehicles to traverse new terrains, no previous areas that opens up, nothing.
Yeah XII is definitely the best FF in terms of world design, though it's far from perfect in other regards.
X sucks though
>There is such a thing as being too linear
Who gives a fuck. The little things you did in the older titles were not enough differentiate them from X. Calling X shit for being too linear is retarded.
>The little things you did in the older titles were not enough differentiate them from X.
This is where you are simply WRONG.
hitchens razor
You're making all the wrong points here. X has a lot of systems that are almost the same as in other games. monster arena you could very easily call the successor to the colosseum in ff6. It has a lot of unique stuff and stuff that adds to the game. Be it blitzball, or the celestial weapons.
But FFX definitely, objectively dropped the ball in exploration. You get the airship, that's cool, but the shit's just a menu. There's no stumbling upon a little village, there's no accidentally finding a hidden chocobo forest, none of that. It's all very cut and dry.
FFX has a lot of ups, but also has downs, just like it's protagonist.
I don't deny that X had next to no exploration until the end game but it makes little difference to me because there wasn't a whole lot of it in the older titles anyways;
It matters if you want to feel like you're playing an actual RPG
>because there wasn't a whole lot of it in the older titles anyways;
Again WRONG.
>X has the same amount of exploration as older games, it just strips the illusion away
>The fact that older games had more exploration than X is pointless because I, personally, don't care about it
You're making two different arguments to pump the thread, you fucking schizo