You still haven't caught me? What are you? A DOCKLET?!
*laughs in marlinese*
Animal Crossing Fishing Hell
I have the model actually. It's very disappointing with how small it is.
I really wanted to keep it. But I handed that bitch over to Blathers.
i keep getting a tuna instead and it's driving me nuts
But I caught you yesterday from my tenth plank
Is the model different size from the mounted version? I have a spare mounted marlin and it looks pretty big.
Turnips are 540, Come and sell them
Tips would be nice desu
That's what my mom said
>pen island is drumsticks
I didn’t even realize that the month is almost over. Does anybody have the list of fish that are going away in May?
marlin and tuna are the only ones
yes it's tiny. One square.
I already got you you faggot, I’m trying to get a tuna
Stop making fun of my dock
tarantula is the only thing going away for NA
All catchable from the dock, though the dab can be caught anywhere at sea.
I don't need to tell you where to find it.
Anyone want her so they can make cherry pies?
reply with your name so I know to give her to you and not some random
anyone have a list/pic of the bugs and fish that are going away and the news coming in
Anyone got an extra Dunkleosteus fossil?
I've got a bunch of other fossils I can trade, just reply with what you need.
Shut the fuck up, you nigricant mongoloid
You're not even bigger than a tuna.
>keep catching fish in sets of 3s because i damned myself to making every model as soon as i made my first one
>realized i still had extras of all the fish from last month
>now keep fish in sets of 4s, 3 for model and 1 for my own personal aquarium that i will never once make
this is hell on my storage
What is Pen Island's owner name?
>the bug models are huge, all of them are bigger than their real counterpart
>all of the fish models are tiny as fuck
>Mahi-Mahi will leave after tomorrow
>Still don't have one
Whose genius idea was it to have TWO huge rare dock fish appear at the same time
>he's trying to sell?
Flick fucking loves bugs but doesn't really care about fish.
He gets commissioned by CJ to make those fish models so he puts in the bare minimum of effort.
>scatter food
>nothing appears
>scatter food again
huge fucking fish appears out of nowhere and flees afterwards
What the fuck happened
Is Pen still around? And do you still have villagers boxed and ready to go?
Any cool DIYs being given out right now?
That shouldn’t be happening? Scattering food guaranteed a fish to appear
I gave one to the Owl, then had Flick smash 3 of you together, you dumb fish.
sometimes the fish appears slowly, just wait a couple seconds
If you scatter fish and nothing shows up, wait a little bit. A fish will show up eventually.
What happened is your first bait brought a fish in, but your second bait scared it off.
Had this happen, its like some kinda lag, don't know what causes it, eventually the fish will appear though.
>Oarfish is a 1x2 item
I cried when I put that down on my floor.
>Have been trying to get into Pen for 2 and a half hours to no avail, glued to Orville constantly matching with no success
>There are people who have somehow done multiple trips
what the fuck are you people even using nookmile tickets for?
you know how many times I've had a vacant plot since filling them all up? ZERO DUDE NOBODY FUCKING ASKS TO LEAVE IN THIS GAME
>turnip beggarfags
>hacker beggarfags