How are people okay with all this god damn padding?

How are people okay with all this god damn padding?

Attached: Final-Fantasy-VII-Remake_2019_09-24-19_028.jpg (600x917, 106.12K)

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People are conditioned to connect more content available in a game to a game being good, even if that content is just padding.

It’s astroturfing shills

They don't have adhd

Oh hey I watch dunkey too

>don't like the original's brain dead combat
>you have adhd
>don't like the remake's awful padding
>you have adhd

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I dunno I enjoyed most of it except the corneo vaults. Felt relaxing doing doing those menial chores

Some of the padding was okay like chapter 4 but the long hallway dungeons was bad. Would have been best if they just expanded the story sections like they did with wallmarket and made the game like 60-80ish hours would have been perfect.

With the 60 hours I was referring to the entirety of ff7 being in the remake.

have you never played an RPG before?

Because with a few exceptions it's pretty evenly spaced out. The combat is fun so the padding doesn't feel that bad and it's always in between two really cool set pieces. I don't understand complaining about too much content in an rpg.

>underplate section
>everything after Reno up until the children's park
>sewers and train graveyard
>padded out plate climb with characters taking 5 minutes to die
>backtracking to sector 7 after plate fall and the underground facility
>another fucking boring sewer segment
>ugly ass plate climb segment
>the bring as fuck drum section
>the whisper boss fight

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The way they did Wall Market is definitely the way to go for the next games. I hope they use that as a blueprint for the rest of the towns.

good ones yes

minus the awful music

Because it keeps you in that world for longer. People desperately wanted to get the most out of being back in Midgar so they ate up all the shitty side quests and filler.

As someone who loved the shit out of this game, looking at it critically, Sector 5's side quests both times you visited seemed a bit jarring when the story was getting serious/towards the end.

I could literally sense the "why don't you do some mercenary work!" vibes coming before a character would even suggest them. So from a story pacing standpoint, it was jarring and not perfect.

BUT! This is a JRPG where shit like this happens all the time. And it's good that the combat is addicting when you get good at it.

So I'm okay with the padding because I love the world of FF7- but I do know it dislodges the plot if you're stepping back and looking at the pace.

It's still a good experience on its own. People who don't know the whole script love the midgar story. It's engaging, it's story-driven. The only parts that really feel like padding are the side quests which are optional.

>It's still a good experience on its own

It really isn't. It's basically XIII all over again.

>This is a JRPG where shit like this happens all the time
Except it doesn't. Most rpgs tend to have them as optional side quests rather than a part of the main quest, especially when it comes to jrpgs.

The original had tons of padding. It's a 20 hour game at most without backtracking, half the random battles, and side games.

I don't think people realize what makes FF fun IS the padding.
The overall plot of fvii is fucking garbage.
What makes up for it id the world and characters
The final boss is easy trash.
What makes up for it is ruby and emerald weopan
That is why fans don't mind spending 5x as long in the starting area. Becau we love the city, and we love the characters. If anything returning to it to stop hojo will be more impactful once you better fall in love with it.

There's nothing to argue with here so I'll just say that most people off of Yas Forums disagree with you, from regular people to critics.

Except these side quests were optional? If I really wanted to, I could make a beeline straight for Aerith's house and throw down with Rude. Or run right off to Wall Market to track down Corneo and figure out how to get topside.

I made the choice to do the side quests. I didn't hafta. That's optional, last I heard.

I don't care what they think. This game is linearity done completely wrong, just like FFXIII. You can't take 3 steps without a warning sign popping up and the camera pushing you away.

Based post

pure delusion. seriously. people bought this at full price (and hyped the shit out of it to both themselves and others) and dont want to admit that its shit

especially of those youtubers

>people bought this at full price
I'll pay full price for part 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 too.

I can't wait to revisit Shinra HQ again, ngl. ... let me take the stairs again, Square-Enix.

It's 2020 and homeopathic gaming is the new thing, the more you dilute your game the stronger it becomes

the true patrician takes the stares then goes all the way back down to take the elevator.

People are garbage and put up with shitty movie games.
over 50% of this game is insulting time wasting shit has no gameplay value. It's so unforgivable how slow and insufferable it is compared to the original.

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I played FFX just before this and it made this game feel like such a bore.

>the stares


>Except these side quests were optional?
user, people are talking about the padding and how you have to do a handful of unrelated quests just to move on.

Hojo's lab made me want to kms

Way to fucking fumble your game's climax

I can't tell if you haven't played the original or just have insane nostalgia glasses lol.

>have the technology to really open up Midgar
>it's just a bunch of corridors to places we've already been

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no it's not you fucking retard. it's all those little details and locations that take work and you can move through areas super fast.
FF7R filler took no work it's just garbage. noone wanted fucking forced walking and pressing triangle to watch meaningless time wasting animations.
and the main reason people liked FF7 was the story and characters and now they're ruined it takes 5 fucking hours just to get to the next part of the story which has been ruined by nomuras bullshit.

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I feel like I ain't gonna change your mind, but that's fine. All I'll say is that in that case (I assume padding is things like chasing down that rat thing in the Sewers/re-fighting Abzu or something),

This would be one helluva short game without that padding. Especially for a AAA JRPG. I don't mind in that case- especially since IMO the character interactions are generally great throughout anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯