Just finished the game, and this is easily one of the most boring protagonists I've ever come across...

Just finished the game, and this is easily one of the most boring protagonists I've ever come across. What's hilarious if I played Tales of Zestria right before. Cloud is more boring than fucking Sorey.

Attached: Cloud Strife.jpg (1125x2436, 1.44M)

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Even his tweest in the original is lame too. Don't know why people behave like 7 had some astronomical story. It was told mostly in flashbacks, and the remake is being told in flashforwards.

is this the full game or partial? i keep reading different shit

Like 1/6 (if that) of the original with heavy differences

Game was short as hell.

It ends before you leave MIdgar, about ~35 hours, give or take if you do all sidequests.

took me 40 hours to beat but I have this atrocious habit of starting a game then sit on my phone watching youtube videos for an hour or so.

get meds dude

Are you me?

It's a self-insert for people like me who hate interacting with other people.