Will Naughty Dog recover from this? Seems like they’ve ruined their reputation with nearly all their fans

Will Naughty Dog recover from this? Seems like they’ve ruined their reputation with nearly all their fans

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Normalfags are too stupid to let bad companies die. Why do you think EA, Activision and Bethesda still corner a profit?

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Their biggest problem isn't the fact their shitty political game leaked. Their biggest problem is the fact they're losing employees like crazy. 70% left. 70%! It's not a good sign for the future of the studio if nobody wants to work there

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You really don't know shit about videogames.

last of us was never popular. It got good reviews and then sony gave it away for free with every console (and even then fuck all people who owned it actually played it)


depends how TLOU2 actually sells/is received. The shitstorm happening now might actually increase sales

Holy fuck, that’s bad. Is it because the crunch was really bad or other things? And 70% since when?

No. They will just nostalgia bait. Don’t underestimate the power that member berries can have on the normies.

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Pffft you think the people who already pre ordered are looking at the leaks or even care if they see them? The vast majority of people will still praise it as some grand master piece, and it has a damn good chance at being GOTY of the cyberpunk doesnt snatch it up. Either way, the leaks havent convinced anyone who wasnt already uninterested, and even some people who are unhappy with the leaks will still buy the game.