How can MMOs become more social again?

How can MMOs become more social again?

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By becoming less accessible dipshit read your own image

What did he mean by this?

I haven't played an MMO in a very long time, but I remember the switch from finding your own fucking parties to the game just doing it for you really being the start of the end in terms of my relationship with the genre.


everybody fucking knows this. raid and group finders make forming a group obsolete and no-one bothers talking to eachother during them because they are piss easy and cross server shit makes it so that you will probably never see anyone from your "group" again.

that entire interview was pretty based

By firing all normalfags from game decisions and hiring autists that like immersive world building.

The moment they introduced LFR it killed a lot of peoples need to be in a guild.
You didn't need anything besides item level to see all of the content.
Its the worst decision monetarily a gaming company has made in history.

Make them actually challenging once in a while. There's no reason to seek anyone out if you can level solo and do everything yourself

who would have thought, disincentivising player knowledge and effort would lead to a soulless experience