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Ok im on it.

Is there a bigger spook out there than dinos?

Avalanche Studios

How can dinosaurs be spooky? They’re dead

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Tjats what (((they))) want you to think.

what about zombie dinosaurs or skelington dinos

Skeletal Dinos are p spooky

>spinospergs doing damage control
oh no no no no

Their skeletons are pretty spooky, imagine stumbling across a T-rex skull in a random cave back in the 13th century. Shit would be mad spooky.

look at this dud

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>you will never have a megalodon gf

brehs... ;_;

iuts genuinely cool that spinosaurs has been radically re-interpreted at least three times as more fossils have emerged. first they had it as like, a t-rex but more yoked, then it became a knuckle-walking fish-eater, and now its a semimarine swimmer. thats dope

dont call me a fucking feathercuck i';ll fight your ass

Im back, now EA is working on it, expect the game to come out tomorrow.

>he doesn't know

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>bigger than t-rex
>swims better than t-rex, probably wasn't a plesiosaur's bitch like the t-rex was
>has a cool solar fan, t-rex doesn't

How can ol stubby arms hope to compete?

no shit sherlock, scientists have known the spino was able to swim since JP3 came out in 2001

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i just want a modern jurassic park operation genesis game

i want to make a single enclosure for all my people and have the dinosaurs roam free in the rest of the park living basically natural lives

Kino. Land before time as a pet

point of order, there is no evidence the fan structure was for thermal regulation and could just have easily been for display or even for storing fat

I think he's talking about a different kind of spook.

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I don't get it. This has been known for decades.

spooks are a spook


So you're saying there's a chance

Fuck off Stirner. Dinosaurs are real.

it went from that to this. LMAO

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i cant rule it out, no

Experts csnt even agree how buildings looked thousands of years ago, and you expect me to believe any of these morons knows what animals from millions of years ago looked like or acted? What a bunch of idiots.

i didnt think this was new news, hasnt the spinosaurous been acknowledged as a shallow water swimmers and hunters? their sails are thought to be for temperature regulation

Imagine a bunch of these pieces of shit flying ovr your head, fighting to see who gets to eat you whole

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I can't even remember the last good dino game I played.

Turok: Evolution on Gamecube was pretty ass but it had some nice gore? And you could actually play as dinos in multiplayer which was based.

what we really need is a tv show that asks the REAL questions: if a dinosaur was real, what caliber of ammunition would you need to hunt it
they could get 100 episodes out of it, easily



those things are genuinely terrifying

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you can't stract genetic code from a brick you fucking retard

dinosaurs are just lame dragons
Never understood why there was such an immense fascination with them. They are fucking boring.

because they were alive at one point, i guess.

>Never understood why there was such an immense fascination with them. They are fucking boring.
Uhh maybe because dinos actually existed? Retard?

who gives a shit about that. Why does that make them interesting? Plenty of stuff exists.

>they're dead
they're only smaller now. the murder machines are still very much alive.

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How did we evolve from literal sea sponge to fish? Anyone remember that one neoteny in evolution video?

Yeah like your virginity lmao.

my ancestors

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>my ancestor

>Uhh maybe because dinos actually existed?
How does that make them interesting? They didn't even die, they became modern birds

We could from you, because you're as stupid as a brick. Biologists can't even explain how bees can fly, but sure they'll know exactly how dinosaurs acted. You are a rube.


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Browse websites and get your facts from things other than Yas Forums or movies, you ignorant faggot

fun fact, if a woodpecker catch another bird, he will burrow through it's skull, eat the brain and leave the body behind

Jesus christ how horrifying

that wasnt fun at all

Imagine believing something you heard from the bee movie.

>storing fat

I wonder where dinos would be if they didn’t get btfo by big rocks


Quick Yas Forums. Post enemies for the next Dino Crisis

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birds are fucked up

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So basically, it wasn't really a land animal and it's kind of dishonest to be putting an aquatic creature in the same pool of comparison as terrestrial theropods.

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It would actually be great as a VR game. Getting to see the proportions in first person would be insane.

It just keeps getting stronger with each new discovery.

Dinosaurs aren't lizards, they're dinosaurs. It's debatable whether or not they're even reptiles.

>Spinosaurus went from cool, to lame, back to absolutely fucking cool again.
Best dino by fucking far

Did the film crew help the baby bird that got stuck on the ground?

today's dinos are alligators and crocs and komodo dragon and ostrich. any i'm missing??



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