When does black mage in ffxi get fun? Level 10 im still shit in dps compared to all meleers

When does black mage in ffxi get fun? Level 10 im still shit in dps compared to all meleers

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I hope you're playing on a private server and not retail.

Anyway, I found Scholar to be more fun than Black Mage, but magic bursting for major damage off your party's skillchains is pretty fun.

how the fuck does XI have suck sickeningly good fanart?

Yeah its on eden. Dont i get magic burst like way later on? What do i do until level 40 something just hit stuff with my staff? Monk gets nuts dps right out the gate what does black mage get until late game?

Are you new to the game? I tried it, but it felt so hard to break in when everyone on pservers already knows the game inside out.

>level 10
There's your problem. Although, to be honest, if you're not having fun playing the job at this point, you probably never will. The only thing that changes at higher levels is more flashy spells with bigger damages and longer cast times. It's a very straightforward class.

How are you not doing damage? They're like the best DD until 25

The person im playing with is going mnk war and im blm whm and i am just having an ass time staying up to par with his damage and survivability. And i always drsw more aggro even tho he spams provoke like crazy

You should have started with a scroll of Stone; you have to use it from your inventory to learn it. You get more spells from shops or monster drops.

Monk does 2 punches 19 damage on each bare handed. Can boost for more at lebel 10 i was hitting for 4 to 8 damage with stone, arrow, and water. Bind doesnt help for shit. And then im almost out of mana and getting but fucked by orcs. What do i do to keep up? I cant find any actual advice on this.

How is Dragoon in XI? I play it in XIV, and it's my favorite job

It's shit, like it is in XIV.

That sounds incredibly low on your spell damage. Something's up. Are you fighting orcs way above your level?

For reference, when partying in a group of 6 and fighting Incredibly Tough enemies at level 10, your Stone should be doing at least 20.

Aww. How's Summoner?

Fighting decents and easy preys

I prefer XI DRG to XIV DRG. /shrug
SMN's amazing in XI. The variety of moves your primals get and the fact that they're life-sized summons is awesome.

Your Stones just flat-out should not be doing 4-8 damage.

Water should be doing like 25+ and I'm probably underestimating. Can anyone help here? This is a weird case.

In XI? It's incredible. A well-built summoner will tear ass through enemies like a black mage does, but with twice the available mana pool and none of the problems of accidentally stealing aggro and getting oneshot.

That sounds rad, is Alexander in it? I bought XI on sale, but I haven't jumped into it yet

he's a naked elvaan or somehow didn't level his elemental skill

When you get thunder and blizzard, then stun and aspir. If you want to be a nuker, play blue mage and go for fast cast, magic damage and damage taken -%
Blue mage is disgusting broken

That might be what I jump into first. Summoner is my second favorite in XIV

Only thing I can think of is maybe he's playing a race with low INT. I imagine a black mage galka could probably do about 8 damage with stone.

Need to use bio and poison my nigga

You can basically solo everything with the wyvern breath gear, ethereal earring, and blue or red mage sub job. They suck as a melee in alliance content tho

what's the best private server for someone that's never played XI and doesn't have any friends to play it with?

Summoner is 100 times better in XI than xiv and way more utility. Ask me anything, I played for 14 years and low man endgame content

I still play retail, so I don't have any personal experience with private servers, but I see the Nasomi private server get thrown around here a lot. I'm assuming it's good.

You can solo everything easily in retail with trusts. If you’re asking because you don’t want to pay money then im sorry, I have no idea

I am a mithra and have elemental skill 11 and i mean im levelling it fast as possible i do feel like im doing something wrong. Is it because im using a club over a staff? Do dtaffs increase damage outright. Ots hard to find this info online

I plan on playing solo, is that a good job for it?

>elemental skill only 11
Well there's your problem
Not sure how you're so low though, you said your BLM is level 10+?

That’s low for level 10. Up until like 70 or something you get 3 skill levels for every level. You should be spamming stone on mobs for skillups because without capped skill your spells are getting resisted easily. You shouldn’t be meleeing and just rest for full mp and spam nukes on anything above decent challenge. There are skillup foods on the auction house under breads as well

When you get ancient magic. So like 56 for freeze? Been awhile.

Yes, summoner is one of the best soloing jobs, and with 3+ summoners in a party you can basically astral flow literally any endgame monster to death. They also have really really really good party buffs

Nasomi has a high playerbase and good technological infrastructure, but the GM makes bizarre decisions and bugs almost never get fixed.

Era has more content and a 4x exp multiplier which might actually be too much for some people.

I never played Eden.

Like i said i have a monk in the party who insta kills anything i hardly get a hit off on most enemies should i just go grind with spells without him?

Awesome, I'm hyped to start playing it
What sub job would you recommend?

Yeah, that's your problem. You need to be landing your spells to level your Elemental Magic level, else your spells are gonna do jack.

>mfw finally get access to Flare and cast it for the first time for 1k+ damage

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Red mage for convert refresh and haste. It’s your sub job for 90% of content but scholar for sublimation and rune fencer got damage mitigation can be really handy as well. White mage if you need to remove debuffs a lot

Yeah you can summon him later.

The issue with BLM is that it relies on MP, which even with all the quality of life changes, is still a pain in the fucking ass for a job as hungry as BLM. Worse, it's not even as effective as it once was. With all the i119 weapons, haste gear freely available, Trusts with extra Haste, the ability to take a hit and deliver melee blows at max speed have overtaken it. BLU is actually the king of magical damage at this point, easily breaking 10k+ on some spells. All that said, the storyline is pretty trivial now except one or two fights at the end, no matter your class so play whatever.

I'm RDM at the moment swapping to BLU when I hot ToAU.

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Time investment. You end up feeling extremely attached to it in an unhealthy way. Without even realising it my XIV main looks identical to my XI main that I always hated the look of.