Why is this the only game in the series worth playing? Is it because the other games are hallway simulators mixed with an interactive movie?
Why is this the only game in the series worth playing...
Are you retarded?
cue the retards complaining about mmo combat
Yes I always hated how much exposition the first game had.
Because Ivalice is the closest (in FF terms) to an actual setting with alliances living within it (alongside FFIX's actual worldbuilding, as another contender).
ironic you would call this the best game when it's the one that's least talked about
even fucking FFX gets more discussion than this bland piece of shit
It's the only FF where you have to actually use most of your abilities
Normies are into interactive movies and hallway simulators (see last of us, uncharted, ffx, God of War) so makes sense it's not talked about much compared to the other hallway simulators in the series.
Its not a small complaint considering this how you play the game.
It's not even worth playing.
How new are you?
Most FF games are worth playing.
Ivalice games are too high in for the majority of the final fantasy fanbase, ignore them OP, every who's not a redditor knows FF12 is ludo.
FFXII Chads finally stepping up to defend greatness. Good on you lad, you are a good man. FFXII is objectively the best game in the series. Backed by mountains of evidence.
Ivalice is not only the best FF world by far but one of the best fantasy world ever made.
Honestly the only criticisms of FFXII I take seriously are related to the political vs character based story and the level pacing in areas like barheim passage.
I literally just got this today on switch. Never played it so I'm pretty excited to try it out.
because you're mentally retarded
The start is slow as fuck. Buy all the gambits as fast as you can.
I mean it has actual maps to explore and it's kind of fun from a gameplay perspective and has a world full of SOUL but the actual story and characters are boring as shit. Ironically Vaan is the only character of some interest because even though he was thrown in to be the generic shounen MC afterthought they gave him some chad moments like telling the rabbit bitches to go fuck themselves. Also you're retarded if you think FF 1-9, 11, 14, and 15 are hallway simulators. I still prefer FF7R because the characters are infinitly more interesting archetypes like giga nigga and autist rangling martial arts waifu even if it's basically just a big stretch of hallway from the church to the playground and wall market. And I prefer the cyberpunk industrial pseudo 1940s aesthetic to fantasy nabu rasta lizard land. Overall 12 is a solid 7/10 though.
i did not like the ivalice tactics games
for me it is always gonna be the OG FFT
4 is a hallway simulator with the illusion of freedom. Ff7 is a hallway simulator for the first like 15 hours. Ffx is one giant hallway. Ff12 is a game from start to finish. Only game in the series that can make that claim.
The combat doesn't go through a swirly transition in to a battle arena with pseudo turn based combat where you can't move your character.
This is such a dumb post. FF12 is nothing but hallways. Huge hallways. FFX had a reason to be formatted the way it was but FF12 doesn't, it's just like that to get you grinding which is what most of the game is -- killing monsters with the automated systems.
It's not a terrible game but it's getting incredibly overrated these days, mainly because it got a fucking fast forward button lol.
This game has a really fucking slow introduction - doesn't start picking up until like Raithwall's Tomb.
I really hope FFXVI brings back Yoshida or Matsuno. I had enough of Nomura's faggotry after KH3 and FF7R.
Also, every other RPG from now on should have a Trial Mode like this one had. Absolute based on Ito's part.
>i did not like the ivalice tactics games
>for me it is always gonna be the OG FFT
You mean the one set in the country of Ivalice?
All the titles that are set in Ivalice are worth playing, everything else is questionable.
I liked the combat system, the gambits, the more open level/world design, the story, characters, music and it was just a damn fine game all around. Even the esper designs were really damn good despite not being like the traditional summons of prior games.
I'm playing the remaster and like it, but I'm using the speed up function a lot. Am I ruining my experience?
My brother
I've only played X, X-2, watched IX, but XII is my favorite.
ff12 shilling is getting out of control
even fucking 13 had more interesting gameplay than this piece of shit with its autoplaying combat during the main story.
Why XIIshills can only shit on other games to try to make their game not shit?
gotcha, thanks for the tip
I wish more games would imitate the gambit system.