>ruins your otherwise enjoyable game by being a self-insert cardboard cutout
Ruins your otherwise enjoyable game by being a self-insert cardboard cutout
This is now a TDKR thread.
>offended by the silent protagonist
you should seek help
Far better than being a dumb fagboy like Corrin spouting retarded shit
Any story driven game with a silent protag is dogshit by default. Cope harder, waifufag.
How is he a waifufag for defending 3H, the game with the least amount of attractive girls in the entire franchise?
Marry Marianne!
He didn't say he was offended.
best choice
Did you ever play Birthright? Corrin was fine in that one.
I got to self insert and marry my waifu, it was fine.
I married Marianne
His only failure was that he was unable to deduce the complete irony that Edelgard had cast upon herself. Her complete incompetence from her near self-induced assassination, to her near belligerent hatred for the same goddess that saved her from her own would be assassin.
Are Japs so socially retarded that if their self-insert has actual dialogue they feel threatened and NTRed by him or something? Did they feel like cucks when Robin S supported someone in Awakening?
Based. If only she was like that in Conquest.
>Still seething after 2 months
Who should I marry Marianne off to since I'm not going to marry her this time?
Ferdinand, Linhardt?
Route? Dimtri is great but Lorenz is pretty good too.
Silver Snow
I'm leaning towards Ferdinand because he's my MVP and Constance is mine for this playthrough.
Currently is looking like it's going to be
Byleth x Constance
Ferdinand x Marianne
Seteth x Hilda
Felix x Ingrid
Yuri x Dorothea
Caspar x Shamir
Mad mad mad mad mad
>story tries to frame Byleth's lack of dialogue as him being some kind of extreme introvert with no social skills who just doesn't emote or ask questions very often
>everyone at the school becomes highly attached to him anyway, with many considering him their closest friend
Terrible character.
I just wish he at least talked
Why do you try to defend this shit aspect of the game like this? I still liked the game, but Byleth should have at least had a personality and prewritten dialogue instead of what he ended up being. It just felt wrong seeing all these characters say that Byleth really helped them get through their problems when all he did was stand around and say maybe 10 empty words every time they had a support conversation
I just got this game
is there romance?
>Game is catered to betas who self-insert
>Gets mad when the game has a self-insert character
Stop being a brainlet
>Implying bing bing wahoo has any personality
>Implying HYAAA has any personality
>Implying Jiggly jigggly puff has any personality
Kinda? There's supports between different characters and some flirting but it really isn't that kind of game. You do get endings in the epilogue with your chosen partner which can be romantic but it's just a few lines of dialogue.
what ruined the otherwise enjoyable game was having the best character who should've been the most important character in the game be incredibly minor then get axed half way through the game
TFW you cant post epic twitter meme quoteys because the character is silent
user, people aren't talking about Smash.
Is Seteth based or not? Because I'm leaning towards yes.
people do that with the fucking advice column minigame. Why are you like this?
Incredibly based.
I'm convinced Seteth is the only sensible adult in this game
possibly the most based FE character to date
He's a lizard jew like the rest of the green hairs and is not to be trusted.
That's a fair point, I suppose, but Byleth is definitely the most egregious example of catering in the game. At least in Awakening I can just name Robin Robin and then treat him like he's just a character.
What? How did you take any of that as an implication that Byleth is the only bad silent protagonist?
>You do get endings in the epilogue with your chosen partner
how do I choose one
The funny thing is that Byleth actually has more personality than pretty much every major nintendo character.
spotted the edeltard
Flayn, what did Seteth tell you about fucking the fish?
None of those games have as heavy of a story focus as 3H has, don't be disingenuous
Avatar worship is an STD infecting the newer games.