For a game that you pretend to hate, you surely make lots of threads every day
And yes, it will be a huge commercial success, no matter how hard you try to spin it
For a game that you pretend to hate, you surely make lots of threads every day
And yes, it will be a huge commercial success, no matter how hard you try to spin it
Sony fanboys are blind sheep, what else is new? They would buy a bag full of feces if it has Sony logo and "Cinematic experience" written on it.
>huge commercial success
This story is so bad and disrespectful to any standard that it is capable of significantly increasing anti-Semitism and anti-SJWism among normies.
are the feminists mad at the trannies?
Based. I love seeing TERFs get BTFO.
>it will be a huge commercial success, no matter how hard you try to spin it
Are you sure about that?
>Literally multiple videos being uploaded daily on youtube form all sorts of channels agreeing this game will be shit
>Hundreds of thousands of views, every day
>95% like ratio
this will keep spreading until almost every gamer knows what a piece of shit this game is
CIS women BTFO by real women! Transpower!
Reminder that we are all Anonymous to each other here and anyone can use this forum, including employees and marketers of literally any studio or dev team. Even groups of disgruntled ones who all want their employer to suffer.
Imagine Yas Forums seething when the game gets good reviews and sells well anyway despite getting a full month head start to shit on the game.
I like the first game but it isn't a favorite of mine. Guns work fine. Everything else breaks. Wtf can't you find a single melee weapon that doesn't break? Ellie has a switchblade that works perfect.
I still can't believe sjws wrote and animated this scene
Shill media will give it good reviews. Even if it sells well, the backlash will be well, apocalyptic.
I'll play once it's free or I'll just borrow it or buy it in the used market
No fucking way I'm giving my money to some turbo crypto kike and his company.
Good "reviews" from trash sites are a given. "Sells well" is very subjective. The game, however, is and will be objective garbage.
Whether it fails or succeeds doesn't matter. They've already destroyed it. The shitstorm will just get worse because people will have spent 60$ on something that's so downright disrespectful. But Duckmann will have his money, as much as I'd like to watch ND burn to the ground.
The game is shit but ... I'll buy it
All good people who had made good games have already left ND. Its Bioware allover again
Joel getting his head beaten in with a gold club by a masculine (((woman))) is Neils unsubtle portrayal of the ‘woke’ left killing the patriarchy, and you can thank Anita Sarkesian for her invaluable (((advice))) with the narrative development of the game.
people love to wallow in drama here, nothing new
i like laughing, and this is comedy gold
>wild slashes instead of stabs
>And yes, it will be a huge commercial success
>lesbians vs trannies
Let them fight.
I love how this would be considered a near hate crime if any other studio or person made it, yet they did it themselves.
The subverter never needed her input, just more virtue signaling for movements they created. Don’t like it? It was those darn feminists again, so don’t look any further than that, goyim.
Are you trying to send a message to your company's marketing department, Naughty Dog employee?
Yes, it’s just like how nobody liked you in highschool but you still got beat up every day. It’s fun for us.
A Tifa thread died for this
Aren't there more former Bioware employees working at Obsidian than Bioware itself?
It's going to do worse than it would've without the leaks people are pissed
Even normies on Twitter and R*ddit are complaining.
>For a game that you pretend to hate, you surely make lots of threads every day
It’s called bullying and it’s fun.
I don't even care how good the game does, it's already provided me with hours of fun at zero cost. And since Naughty Dog hates fun, that makes it extra funny to me.
>Huge commercial success.
That's fine, you can't stop retards from being retarded.
Ah, so this is the guerrilla marketing angle for Yas Forums(((nel))): women beaing beat up by men! Also, people can just sage
i mean tucan sam doesnt look like much of a fighter to begin with. thats standard house-wife-weaponizing-kitchen-equipment kata
>Impeach Trump
Jesus Christ, these people are like an Onion parody
>modern womens sports
This shit is just sadistic.
The whole first game spent so much time making you feel connected to the characters and their struggles, why would anyone want to play a game where you destroy them so brutally and realistically.
It's not like some cartoon game where you play the morally relativistic villain, this just feels cruel.
It feels like the writers hate the characters or something, that's the level of torture porn this reaches.
Is this going to be a thing like in star trek Picard where the writers brutally hurt a character in the show in lieu of someone in real life they don't like because of their political views or something? I hear the writer of this one dislikes the writer of the first.
Damn this is the first time Ive seen a Jew get the shit absolutely beat the shit out of them in video form. Talk about based. Is Druckmann a self loathing jewish man? Despite his subversion, he still lets that thing beat the fuck out of the kike
Why do modern western devs hate beauty and sex appeal so much?
They used to be cool before.
god i hate my life
Imbeciles like the OP said the same shit about Mass defect Androgynous.
Yeah Yas Forums thinks their echo-chamer = reality.
Countless threads about how Pokemon S/S was shit, cut content, etc and what do you know its one of the best selling Pokemon games.
Yas Forums will cry about how the story of TLOU2 is shit (and it is), how there is little emphasis on gameplay etc but TLOU will sell gangbusters and probably win GOTY.
Sjws wrote it, corporate slaves animated it. If the animators liked what they were doing this wouldn't have been leaked in retaliation
this webm really makes me laugh
>Yas Forums thinks
If you post here, you're part of it.