Who the fuck spoils games for laughs? What do you even get out of it?

Who the fuck spoils games for laughs? What do you even get out of it?

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You just answered your question


i'm not one who spoils things, but i don't care about spoilers
especially not for things like the latest capeshit movie or star wars or some boring aaa game
it's always fun to see people get in a hissy fit about it though

a laff.


always the lulz

Lmao get fucked neil druckmann you faggot

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I hate people who spoil shit, but I feel like they might actually be doing tlou fans a favor in this case.

Aerith dies. lmao

Pozzed shitty movie games deserved to be spoiled.

>Who the fuck spoils games for laughs?
>What do you even get out of it?
>spoils games for laughs?
>What do you even get out of it?
>for laughs?
>What do you even get out of it?

MGR meme gets a resurrection and I’m happy


It's because I'm a Russian bot

>What do you even get out of it?
Fucking with the fanboys of shitty sjw, agenda pandering devs and studios.

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Laughs you dummy

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I think a degree of schadenfreude can be had under the right circumstances. TLOU 2 definitely seems to be a case of Naughty Dog needing to be taken down a peg.


If fans are being obnoxious then I'll drop spoilers.

It was a HUGE favor, spoiling a movie game with such a boring plot.

the only thing about a game that should matter is the gameplay
if you're playing a game for the story you deserve to be shit on in every possible way

Who says it’s for laughs? A lot of them are literal sociopaths, guaranteed.

You’re ready to hop on that TLOU2 train if it’s got “good gameplay”? Hahahahaha hahahahaha faggot


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>Who the fuck spoils a game for laughs?
>What do you get out of it?
Going to take a mad guess and say laughs.

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what makes other people's suffering so funny to you sociopaths?

personally if i'm buying a plot-oriented game and the fucking plot sucks i'd want to know that beforehand

>suffering because you got a piece of entertainment got spoiled
i shiggy

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I would ask the same thing of the people who wrote the ending of The Last of Us 2 lmao

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I see it more as an attack on scumbag devs, studios and their loyalist die hard fanboys than making people suffer for the fun of it.

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>spoiling Ace Attorney because you don't care about the games but like to see people squirm and rage

You are the worst.

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>What do you even get out of it?
Laughs. Your first question already explained that.