What did Druck mean by this post?

What did Druck mean by this post?

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TLOU is known for having a fanbase solely comprised of bigots

Why can't atlright retards make games?

but japan makes games all the time and they’re socially conservative

that he is forming a band called "The 41%" and going to perform live, but only once.

he should follow cobain's example

>quote from a mentally stable man

Druckmann lives completely rent-free in the heads of you alt-right shit eaters. Pathetic that you lot waited until this debacle to jump on him for threatening your fragile egos.

Why are you a leftist

>What did Druck mean by this post?
it's called virtue signaling. in the leftist microcosm words are more important than actions.

>threatening your fragile egos
feels he has to advertise that he agrees with a mentally unstable suicide victim. well at least it was a famous talented suicide victim, right?

He's trying to deflect criticism of him from fucking over his employees

Grand Theft Auto Cascadia confirmed

Why are you still a piece of shit.
You right wingers already lost the culture war.

>suicide perpetrator

lol kurt kobain did hardcore drugs in the same house as his baby and then killed himself. Great rolemodel.

so kurt really was a 40 percenter

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>screw over all your employees
>hide behind virtue signalling

but I can still see your movies right?

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I find it interesting that the more conservative a society is, the safer it is and the less crime there is overall. This of course must go much deeper than "oh, the current president is conservative." That doesn't do anything. For Japan, it's so deeply ingrained into their very culture that it's only natural for them to behave rather than act like wild animals and turn their countries into 3rd-world Amerimutt cities.

Jew cries as he strikes you and claims victimhood.

2000 years old tale.

He should pull a Kurt Cobain and blow his head off.

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I'm not. I'm just tired of 16-year old edgelords shitting up an apolitical video games board with coping threads any time some dev or Twitter rando goes against the Yas Forums narrative. 90% of the criticism about TLOU 2 leaks on this board has been about the tranny, Druckmann's politics and Druckmann being a Jew.

He will still be remembered long after you're gone.

no jews too. isnt that weird

Not true. Not true. NOT true.

Shut up. SHUT UP. SHUT UP.

Maybe Yas Forums isn't for you nigger

Go back to retardera.


He's using Cobain as a shield and implying any problems people have with TLOU 2 is strictly down to racism and sexism trying to shut down the discussion like the jewish rat he is. This is their standard tactic.

lmao best way to deflect any criticism towards your game.

you might be onto something. I also think that practically every civilian not having access to firearms is also a factor but that ain't ever happening in America no sir.

>quote from a strung out heroin junkie.

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yeah it's a fucking murderfest over in switzerland amirite

Like I'm going to take advice from a shitty musician whose only popular because he pussied out and left his daughter without a father.

Kurt is a fag anyway, his music is overrated. Xoomer gen-x overrated.

May as well have posted
>I have nothing to say about any concerns you have, fuck off
But gotta play the victim

>Right wingers lost the culture war
>Islam is completely taking over Europe as we speak with little to no resistance.
>Latin American Catholic zealots are taking over America as we speak with little to no resistance.
>China, the second most powerful nation on the planet is banning blacks from businesses and forbids any displays of homosexuality.
You're a fool.

rent free

nirvana is overrated as fuck

pot calling the kettle black

so what? he killed himself. follow his example

haha his rolemodel is a pussy who kill himself!!
Epic post Cuckmann!

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so like battle field v?

Girl whomstv i have loved and she loved me back loved nirvana. We fucked like crazy. She left to college and became ultra whore. Heard she fucked nearly whole university. She is also smartest woman i have ever heard to talk. I still love her.


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>likes nirvana
>is a whore
she aint the one chief

I know. But she blew my mind every time she talked. I dont hate her.

The best music he ever performed: youtube.com/watch?v=1nJoUq_Le9M

So is TLOU. Perfect fit.

Why are you answering a genuine question with anger? You sound kinda hrt too me, and for no reason

>Don't buy our product
I'm Sony will love the fact he is promoting this mindset

But why cant all these nutjobs just leave all the racists and whatnot alone?

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There must be nudes. Please post. I wanna blow my load.

Kurt is a dead druggie faggot who ripped off other people's music

>two tremendous faggots in one picture

Prune it mods

Says the dumb chud typing from his basement.
You idiots are delusion none of what you typed is happening.
This is what happens when you get all you news from Yas Forums.

There were lots of nudes on my old phone and even videos. I would upload them if i still had it but i smashed it when i was drunk to shitter.

Mostly for dying. You think Zoomers give a fuck about Nirvana? You think your musical tastes will stay when you yourselves overthrew those of your parents? And they theirs? It'll happen to you.

It has happened to you.

He thinks that being bankrolled by an international media conglomerate to write his shitty teen angst drama makes him a misunderstood rebel


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He's foreshadowing his suicide by "them".

No more bigot bucks for Druckmann than. Atleast as a game creator.

>This is what happens when you get all you news from Yas Forums.

Or, you know, being from Europe.

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The difference between Cobain and Druckman is that Cobain made something of quality that will be remembered for probably another 80 years, whereas Druckman is a retard who ruins everything he touches and will be forgotten roughly next Tuesday.

Also, despite Nirvana being leftists (like more or less every other successful music band that's existed since 1965) they didn't push it on you in their music. Cobain wrote songs about his personal angst, Druckman writes games about his political agenda.

Oh woah like Hitler? Man you really made me rethink my life.

>Cobain made something of quality

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truly a visionary

Bigots are annoying but you can't force people not to buy something for sale. Cobain was in the wrong here.

no one can say something bad about islam without getting blacklisted from office, entertainment or any sort of contact with normies

Are you retarded? Crime rate so low cause the Japanese police suck at their jobs and don’t report shit if they can’t solve it cause they don’t wanna look bad lmao fuckin weebs man

What type of music do you listen to, user?

What's that supposed to mean? You haven't achieved shit compared to Hitler

>i dislike things
Good for you!

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but im a marxist leninist, i still hate women and FAGS like you

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that's partially true, but not the whole story

They're the biggest degenerates in the world

Then how come they can have stores with all their shit outside when in the US, even in an all white community, everything would be fucking stolen in a goddamn second.

Japan has the big crimes, and their police are fucking terrible with them, but their petty crime rate is incredibly fucking low in comparison to us. Though that's not conservatism. That's collectivism. That's the entire community being taught that you are a part and if you negate your part the police will beat the shit out of you.