qhat video james did u play today
Qhat video james did u play today
hello, kitty
Dont hurt me
some tf2 and some alundra, kitty
I played Katawa Shoujo and it made me sad
Final Fantasy III
Prince of Persia, the old one. It's fucking horrible with wretched controls. Installing Shitman 2 and the Legacy pack now.
jackbox and skribbl and spider solitaire
Not a game
Not a game
Not a game
Some Tekken 7
San Andreas
Doom Eternal, BloodGDX, gzDoom playing Eviternity co-op with a bro, Hearthstone, MTG Arena, Legends of Runeterra.
I played animal crossing gc on my phone and I woke up at 7pm
gusic games?
You played ALL that in one day?
Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
After waiting a whole 2 minutes to load after washing myself in a trough I quit and booted up Bannerlord.
Gw2 for the first time, its been fun so far.
Yes. Though it's less impressive than it sounds because a lot of that was playing a single map or a single game of it. gzDoom's the only one that got a solid sit down and play.
Elex. Its super janky but kind of fun. Going to keep playing it a little longer to see the other factions besides Berserkers.
Oh okay. Have you played the Battlemode for Doom Eternal by the way? I want to try it but I'm afraid of getting walloped by people online. At the moment I'm just playing through the campaign on Nightmare.
I fucking hate you all.
I love you, user
Nope, I haven't yet. I probably should just because it's a curiosity and a unique game mode but I'm less interested in multiplayer in general these days and like you, I'm just digging playing the campaign on nightmare. Though I'm almost done with it, just keep beating my head against the final boss.
For what it's worth though I've heard that playing the demons is more forgiving in battlemode. Slayer has a higher skill peak but the demons have it a bit easier going, so if you're afraid about being crushed that may be where to lean.
kill me pete
A lot of animal crossing. A lot.
Cute kitty!! :)
Silent Storm Sentinels. Great stuff.
Okay that might be a good place to start then, thanks.
cute kitten, enjoy this stock image
help what game should i buy to pass the time for my new gpu to get here
thinking maybe rimworld but dunno if its worth
Nothing, I did homework for my Javascript class. I fucking hate javascript, and just coding in general.
gideo games
I'm learning JS right now and I like it. I'm shit at it though. Why don't you like programming?
Shadow Tower, it holds up really well kitty . Someone needs to make another Kings Field/Shadow Tower game, don't you think so kitty.
new battlefront 2 update, its bad
Is that cat about to get laid?
Gothic 2
Monster hunter world but I'm sort of at a loss at what to do now, I'm not even at mr100 but I have a full raging brachy set and a nice blast switch axe, there's nothing to replace them with and aiming for better gear is all I've been doing
am I just supposed to grind decorations now because that does not appeal at all
No problem user, hope you enjoy it when you give it a try!
i actually played nothing, i was too busy
good news is that my new monitor is coming next week so i'll actually try playing things
Fallout 4 little cat
checked the noita update, it was still boring
I can't retain anything I learn. Looking at w3 schools and trying to apply it to any project is like me smashing rocks together where nothing happens. I understand how something works, but I can't replicate it.
In order from waking up to now
Girls Frontline
Manhunt 2
The Punisher
demon's souls on rpcs3 while I waited for OGSE to download, playing that right now
cat payne
Take it from someone who was in your boat: that's totally natural. Getting good at something isn't a light switch that you flip on. It just sucks less, and pretty soon you're traversing arrays and writing loops and manipulating the DOM.
Also don't use W3. Use MDN. And do Colt Steele's Web Dev Bootcamp on Udemy if you're really fucked (just skip to the JS portions -- that's how I learned)
no hate but why? I watched my nephew play it for a few minutes and it just looked weird shaped dolls running around in ugly looking sets.
Also I want to add:
>I can't retain anything
No programmer can. 90% of programming (ESPECIALLY JavaScript) is googling shit. Think of it like plugging legos together because that's really what most programming is. If you're just a beginner don't expect to retain anything beyond a few basics
Weeb waifu version of Mario Party. Event is going on and this character was too cute to not unlock.
Borderlands 3. I had my longest session of any game I think to date at 1321 minutes of solid play.
whatever they did with the recent patch has given me constant packet loss in matches and my movement is really stuttery from it
>girls frontline
>symphogear xdu
really want to play something i can get invested into. can't seem to find anything to my interest multiplayer-wise so i might just try and find some single-player game i can get wrapped up in. considering pic related
Not him but it can be good for a laugh and oddly enough some very few games can almost go zen like with grinding but can nevertheless be completed in a day as they were designed for literal children. Mining Simulator is such an example.
I finished the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare campaign. The new one, not the old one and not the remaster either.
Its hard to stop after playing and enjoying it for more than 12 years. It's always changing since people are always developing new games for it. I don't play it for too long because I start feeling autistic pretty quickly now.
My class is almost over, and I'm hoping my last assignments start feeling easier. But I'm not confident in it yet. I don't really want to pursue a career in coding anyways, it's just part of the program.