ITT Weird games
ITT Weird games
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im sure this is someoneĀ“s fetish.
I liked it, though it wasn't a strong Pinball title.
Pokemon R/S Pinball was better.
Metroid pinball was fucking kino.
They'd definitely worked out pinball controls by Metroid.
Mario Pinball would have been a thousand times better if it controlled more fluidly and the targets/openings weren't so small
More like trash games, this has to be the worst Mario spin-off game by far.
>go in expecting some hardcore DMC like game with extreme violence
>get to the first boss
>2 gay dudes who say "Whip it" when they attack
>win by kicking one of them in the balls twice in a row
it's fun though
fuck yeah I remember playing the shit out of this even though it wasn't very good. Just because I had played the shit out of yoshi's island and super mario world and needed something to break it up with.
Man it was fucking strange. I remember hearing recently that a team of only 5 people or something made it. And somehow they got the licensing from Nintendo to make it happen. That would never happen today.
Japanese only pindemption game