Sonic thread

Well, I don't show off; don't criticize
I'm just livin' by my own feelings
And I won't give in, won't compromise
I just only have a steadfast heart of gold

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reminder that best girl always has been and always will be blaze

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Kirbychads? GET. IN. HERE.

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don't forget second place
sure you can crash at our thread for a while i guess

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What Sonic character is legitimately stronger than Sonic himself?

Shadow without his pain inhibitors.

Lmao, mariofags are pathetic.

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Being a Sonicbro requires the utmost passion and love. Love you all

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Based Sonic-Kirby Axis

Sonic Riders Zero Gravity is the best spin-off this franchise has ever had and it has one of the best OSTs and story arcs of any game I’ve played in the past 20 years

>There will never be a Riders game ever again
It hurts bros.

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Just imagine this playing in the title screen for SA3.

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>Free Riders will forever be the last Riders game
>new racing game isn't even half as fun

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Unequivocally based.

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post your ideal 3d sonic game, i'll start.
>Playable characters are Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy.
>Sonic, Tails and Knuckles control like the adventure games, Amy has her SRB2 moveset.
>The main gimmick is being able to switch from 2 different characters in a stage a la Sonic Heroes. The character you're not currently controlling is controller by AI. For example, if you're playing as Sonic and being followed by Tails, you can switch to Tails by pressing LB/RB, and back to Sonic by pressing it again.
>Plot consists of every Sonic robot (such as Mecha, Metal, the unnamed one from Sonic Adventure...) banding together to defeat Sonic, overthrow Eggman, and cause a robot revolution.
>New Character Quota is fulfilled by Eggman cloning Sonic using the machine from Sonic the Fighters, creating a yellow clone of him. Call him Zippy, or something. Compared to Sonic's cockiness and snarky one-liners, he's good natured (as much as he can be on the evil side) and polite. ALL self aware humour is funneled into him, with jokes on how he's a recolour, him coming up with convoluted backstories for everything, him hating copying/stealing, and the like.
>Progression would probably go like Forces. On the map, you're able to choose which two characters you want to take with you a la Sonic Advance 3. Some pathes are only open to certain characters/certain teams, so replaying levels would be encouraged.
>Completing some levels unlock multiple levels, and some levels have multiple exits, leading to bonus levels.
>Emblems return, and are collected by completing stages and finding hidden ones in stages. Collecting Emblems unlocks things like bonus levels and extras such as concept art. Collecting all of them unlocks a cheat menu, allowing you to fully break the game to your liking.

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Imagine THIS playing at the title of Sonic Adventure 3

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I only ever played the first one but I loved it, don't really remember it though besides shadow having big goofy skates

how is zero gravity compared to the first one

Love you too user

Knuckles has been my favourite for years but after replaying adventure I think gamma is taking his spot I feel like I'm betraying my bro

Any thoughts on darkspine sonic?

It's alright user, the more you love the better. Sonic and friends are a awesome cast.
Just don't go around picking least favorites, nah we don't do that.

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Dollar store version of Dark Super Sonic.

Reminder that Sonic with a serious story doesn’t work.

He’s cool as fuck imo

>haha I posted it again
Tails is my favourite

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Man that cgi is pretty but fuck me is jets voice obnoxious

Not as hype as what I listed honestly.

Tailschads sound off

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