What class did you play in wrath?

What class did you play in wrath?
Ret paladin

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I played a rogue because they were severely underplayed on my server. I think it was ~5% rogues where as other servers were closer to 10%.

Holy Priest DDR, I never had as much fun with disco

I played prot warrior for pretty all of vanilla up to cata when I quit. I did dabble in Fury Warrior a little bit in the last half of Wrath. Titans Grip was just too cool to not try out.

>prot war for all of vanilla and tbc
Thats masochism user

Male Night Elf Warrior.

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Enhancement shamana

I started in cataclysm haha !!!

Resto druid and loved every damn second of it.

Warlock, blowin niggas away with huge chaos bolt crits

I quit after BC

Unholy DK tank, quit before 3.1

was pretty fun actually

Same. It was the tits, BELF RETPAL. I never went anywhere though, never even did a raid, always seemed boring to my younger self.

Feral druid for the JOHN FUCKING MADDEN rotation.

The same one I used in OG

Clownsuits were also pure soul

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Blood DK. Fuck them for removing Blood DPS.

Night Elf Druid
It was my BC char and I was a big fan of Mr. T as a kid

affliction lock
and an arms/prot hybrid that had 0cd revenge

Mostly Feral. They were legitimately overpowered throughout the expansion.

Draenei male fire mage because hit chance

My main was a Draenei Mage. I race changed her to a Gnome towards the end of the expansion. She hasn't been my main since Cata, but I keep her leveled up to max.

Blood/Unholy DK with tons of Stamina. Just you try and kill me faggots.

Dwarf frost dk.

Blood Elf DK
Blood first then unholy when they changed it to tank

Prot paladin. I never got to be DPS in a dungeon even once.

i have played warrior since late vanilla to BFA. i never played another class and have no alts.

tank druid
i loved having a gigantic health pool and dodge

BM hunter in 2v2 arena with a frostmage friend. It did not go well.

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Night elf hunter
How am i the only hunter in this thread?

Blood DK. It was just fun.

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solo healed H25M ICC as a resto shaman pressing 1 button


prot warrior which was trash compared to dk and pally at the time
i remember when halls of reflection came out i had trouble grabbing all the aggro when waves spawned because no one would hide behind the fucking wall
so i was stuck running around like a chicken with no head spamming thunderclap
then i get on my pally alt and just drop consecration and its easy mode plus all the utility and FREE ardent defender which you didnt even have to activate at the time

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I'd level a character to 80. do heroics to gear up. then when my character is ready for raid I'd raid once. get no loot, feet like I'm making no progress. leveling new class to 80 rinse and repeat. I leveled every single class to 80 and barely geared any of them past heroics except my rogue that I got some icc gear

>tfw no blood-magic classes in video games anymore
Boiling the blood of your enemies, turning the blood you spill into worms that engorge themselves on more blood until they explode and heal you, manipulating an ally's blood to drive them into a frenzy, that shit was fucking cool and I wish more games let me do it.

blood elf ret paladin. played double healer protret and ret beastcleave up to ~2100ish and it was some of the most fun iv ever had in a videogame

tauren druid, literally all the specs because i managed to steal enough gear for all of them

>What class did you play in vanilla
>What class did you play in tbc
>What class did you play in wotlk
>What class did you play in cata
>What class did you play in mop
>What class did you play in wod
>What class did you play in legion
>What class did you play in bfa
>>What class you going to play in shadowlands

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