I am shocked. I've been lurking Yas Forums off and on for the better part of a decade...

I am shocked. I've been lurking Yas Forums off and on for the better part of a decade, and i never would have believed what I've been reading today regarding AC Odyssey. Apparently a lot of people unironically enjoyed this game. Which tells me that either all these people are 14, and are therefore retarded, or they're redditors, and are therefore retarded.

Do you retards honestly like this game? It was irredeemable garbage.

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>a lot of people like something that I don’t, they must be retards
never change, Yas Forums

There's literally women soldiers in full Spartan gear.
Any historical pretense the earlier games might have had was completely disregarded in aco. The combat was floaty and damage spongy, the loot system was awful, the story was shallow and rushed, micro transactions, etc.
I would be interested in what you found redeemable about this game.

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>another ass creed
i haven't even played the egypt one yet

>There's literally women soldiers in full Spartan gear.
Okay incel and?
>Any historical pretense the earlier games might have had was completely disregarded in aco
Right, like fighting the Pope with a magic wand on top of an ancient ayylien future time travel message machine. Or killing George Washington who becomes a tyrannical king of America.

Kill yourself, Yas Forumscuck faggot incel.

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what's bad about about it? hardmode: without mentioning anything about the story and the game play not being assassin's creed

>historical pretense the earlier games might have had
Apple of Eden

Meh, it's just a game. Worse politically correct shit is happening in the world. Just treat it like the Iliad or the Odyssey and the women warriors make sense.

I am playing this right now and I am enjoying it quite a lot. I get to play as a cutie waifu with massive quads and backstab all day while I explore Ancient Greece.

I don’t think of it as an AC game, so that helps. It’s very comfy.

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Because of niggers like you any criticisms of this garbage series post 4 is thought to be from children and incels. The games are shit because they're a shitty illusion of a developed thought out open world with interesting ways of going about missions. General mission structure is the same as every Far Cry and AC. Boring shallow characters that give off of the facade of development despite obvious with how forced it all is. Samey Destiny tier loot and kill system Mobile game tier cool downs on abilities stolen from Witcher and probably God of War. Not to mention the shitty pandering. All of that is irrelevant when discussion why the game is shit. Love how all of these niggers are the same ones who shit on AC for having a present day story and weird shit going on in the background but now they're all clambering over the dumb inaccuracies in order to defend why polfags are wrong.

I like the boats

you talk too much

Try having sex.

Kassandra route isn’t canon, no matter what the devs say

I love Kassandra!

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If you want to know why the games have jumped the shark it’s because of fags like this user, people who don’t understand a universe having a set of established rules or lore. Odyssey and Origins both retcon tons of shit in a bad way as well as making the animus have the ability to alter the past and gigantic mythical creatures and shit. I remember a time when something having a science fiction or fantasy theme didn’t mean literally anything could be thrown in and there wouldn’t be an army of faggots defending it because of “muh fantasy setting anything can happen.”

If it had a fucking SHIELD it would honestly be a pretty good spartan game. Fun, but a mediocre rpg at best.

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Anyone that thinks these games are good are literal retards

really annoying that i have to stare at male character's bulge every time i swim. the camera is literally centered there

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It was alright. Thats it. Alright.

All history aspects of the series went out the window with Unity, yet you notice it now?

Kasscuck isn't cannon.
Alex's armor shows up in the AC3 remake and dumb spartan bitch is nowhere to be seen outside of the gay book

It's a genuinely incredible game. It rivals The Witcher 3, and quite honestly the moment to moment gameplay is better. Just try playing TW3 stealthily and see how far you get.

Last one I played was Black Flag. It was good swashbuckling fun even though it didn't cling too much to the templar side drama. I wanted to try the others thay were set in France or England was it? but I heard onr had terrible performance issues at launch. I've yet to play pyramids

>Alex's armor shows up in the AC3 remake
You mean the terribly rushed remaster that was abandoned by Ubisoft?



Something of his being in a mainline game has more proof of him being cannon then some lame book nobody outside of reddit read.

user compared to to shit like TLoU2 AssCreed Oddity is a fucking masterpiece.