Xenoblade thread

>Tyrea is back
>new battle system

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How long do you think future connected will be?

>Shulk goes for aged bird pussy

That says it's 15.1GB I thought it was 13GB on e-shop? Also
>It says Future Connected will feature a brand-new battle system, new map and support of the Nopons.

>new battle system
if it's more like XC2 rather than XCX I'm gonna kashoot myself

Its only for FC, its probably going to be closer to Torna

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25-40 hours. That's a big range but I'm assuming it'll only be the should and MAYBE another small area or two, so it really depends on how much side content they pack in

>support of the nopon
cant wait for shulk to raise a PMC comprised of nopon and conquer for world domination

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>25-40 hours
I think your expecting way too much. I'd say 6-10hrs.

they better not have fucked up the dub

Everyone has an american accent now

It's the same voiced lines from the original game only FC will be new

>>It says Future Connected will feature a brand-new battle system
Torna was fucking fantastic so this is a really good thing to hear

>does this look like the face of mercy-pon

I didn't like Torna it made XC2's combat even more simple than it already was

don't do this to me user
yeah, but that's still a lot lines that could be potentially fucked compared to the rest of the game.

Torna was more fun because actually get to play as the blades. Swapping between Driver and Blade was great. Getting orbs was too easy, but it was a shorter game so being simpler was fine.

old news

Yeah, but will there be an easy mode? I didn't manage to finish Xenoblade Chronicles because it was too hard and I only managed to finish 2 because of easy mode, so if this one has an easy mode as well it's an easy buy, if not, then well, I might as well just work up the courage to try again in the game I already own I guess.

i liked that each character on your team had essentially 5 skills to choose from with 3 arts, swap art, and special skill. It felt really active

the state of Yas Forums in 2020 everyone.

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>One guy
>The state of Yas Forums

Just fucking answer my question, did they reveal easy mode yet or not?

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>Torna was more fun because actually get to play as the blades
Eh it felt the same as regular blade switching from 2.
I would have prefered having more than 3 available Arts at a time (like six three on each side) and having buff/debuff Arts return.

There's a "game settings" submenu on the bottom left tab so it looks like it
what was so difficult about the game for you?

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you could just grind, its better to kill monsters 1 or 5 levels ahead of you, the exp is better, if you grind with low level its gonna take ages

Its an RPG. All you have to do to make the game easy is grind until you're a higher level than the enemies.

>Support of the Nopons
God, I hope that it isn't mandatory sidequests again


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Dub or sub?

remind me who tyrea was again

>Adaptation instead of "arranged"


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Melia's bitch half sister.

It's been quite a while so I don't remember the specifics, but I was stuck in the fight with the giant whale(?) monster and the woman assassin sent to kill Melia, where Shulk can't hurt her because she is a person of the Bionis or something. I tried everything, I grinded, I traded items that boost skills and I tried many different party compositions, but after I spent 5 hours alone trying to beat this battle I decided to cut my losses and go play something else. But anyway, thanks for the answer, I will keep my eyes peeled and if it truly has more difficulty options it's definitely a day one purchase for me.

Yeah, I tried that. If I remember correctly I was even above the bosses' level but I still lost.


i just want dickson and alvis screenshots

I agree with this. Torna took me around 7 hours while rushing and that was with the sidequest padding.
I expect this epilogue to be short and hopefully sweet.

They sure are revealing a lot.
>still a month left to go
This is fine

Anyone got a standalone render of Shulk's Future Connected design? looks real good

>new battle system
what? They changed the gameplay up? It better not be more like XB2 man that shit was frustrating.

>They changed the gameplay up?
For the epilogue

Yeah that battle was pretty bullshit since you needed Shulk to deal with the Telethia's mind reading but he was also a huge hindrance in that fight because he only dealt 1 damage to Tyrea (the assassin) unless you could keep her continuously toppled
I think they'll throw in a difficulty setting considering they threw in like 5 with DLC for Xenoblade 2 and to help appeal to more players, but so far there hasn't been any news.

Hopefully FC will be standalone too. I don't really feel like buying the same game again but with anime sameface.

Boys, I think I'm really feeling it. Just a month to go.