Everytime they reveal something about the game I get a bit less excited

Everytime they reveal something about the game I get a bit less excited

Attached: DE65911E-9827-447B-83EE-47904BF2E660.png (828x575, 258.1K)

They're making their game sound bad on purpose so that when it releases it'll be better than what people expect.

>can't roleplay

it's not an RPG, it's a cinematic action game

Why was it marketed as an RPG then?

Because they won't get penalized for lying.

it's not anymore, they changed all the promotional stuff

Its Far Cry 6 Los Angeles edition at this point. Only without planes, water, boats.

Geralt didn't join any factions. He just did quests.

I know you're retarded, but we're talking about Cyberpunk 2077, not The Witcher 3.

Because he’s a witcher...? They don’t belong to any factions only to themselves. You play as part of the Witchers


i agree. from rpg to open world "action adventure". they changed Vs look to some fucking disgusting tranny look and now i cant even roleplay any more.

Might as well just cut the character customization options. Make it a first-person Uncharted clone.

and The Witcher 3 sucked, what's your point?

yes but you could side with scoia'tael or Roache/flaming rose

>can't join factions
>can't change the story
>can't choose a different mentor
What's even the point

You DON'T NEED to be able to joing any gang

You can't join the gang but there will be a segment in the story where you're forced to work with them.

>cinematic action game
What does that mean?

I summon SHAZAM

Many games have you simply work for others, this is no different.

okay contrarian

It doesn't have to be a good game

Was there a mechanic for joining gangs in the pen and paper Cyberpunk 2020

>but there will be a segment in the story where you're forced to work with them
How is that any better? The game is either blocking you altogether, or its forcing you into it.

>people still have hope for this

so like most rpgs then? whats the issue here

What the FUCK is he smiling about??

RPG != Bethesda game.

>pew pew
>fuck shit cybercunt augmented dicks
>5 credits have been deposited into your account
>100exp gained
>1 skill point available
>+10% handgun damage
>+5% damage resistance
>+2% critical damage
>+5s hack time

That's Eastern European """"RPGs"""" for you.

They marketed the game as an RPG.

Attached: cyberflunk 2077.jpg (3311x1709, 3.35M)

>i have played zero RPGs outside of my bubble, therefore i'm right and there are NO RPGs that let you join factions
GTA V isn't an RPG, sweety.

Attached: 1554379405586.jpg (1080x1080, 102.71K)

the order 1886

I don't understand how people are so insanely hyped for this game, the more we hear about it the worse it sounds.

didn't they shrink the list to 3?
have they backpedaled even harder again?

They shrunk it to one.

Why did you post this image? Not that I don't feel like pumping that womb full of coom. But why?

>Other games are lazy and subpar so it's okay for this to be as well
Why settle for less? There are better games out there, we should be aiming for that level.

The game is gonna have 80 metascore, calling it

graphics. the only thing that sells aaa garbage besides fantasy sportsball

Yeah, on the latest gameplay demo, character creation creation section doesn't let you pick between the three backgrounds anymore.

Will there even be any netrunning at this point?

Eye-catching so people will notice my posts.

At least they're tempering expectations so when it turns out to be shit no one can act surprised.

The game was supposed to be a cyberpunk RPG but now it's just cyberpunk flavored GTA. Fuck AAA gaming. Another game ruined because of polish over production.

Cyber Punk game where there are no gang affiliation dynamics related to the character you play. What the Fuck?

Why is every game just an interactive movie now?

80 is that score you give to really bad games but people are so hyped that they'll lynch you if you give it a bad score.

You made a post?

97 and all of the game awards

>you can't do this specific unreasonable thing

yawn, do you guys ever get tired?

Yeah, pretty much

It's people's reactions that confuse me. CDPR tells fans that you can't join gangs and people LIKED the post.

>There will be gangs. You don't have to be X to join those gangs. Also, you can't join gangs.

So, why tell me?

What in the shit does this mean

witcher fucking sucks dude