Why does Yas Forums like Call of Duty with planes so much? because this board is flooded with zoomer normalfags?

why does Yas Forums like Call of Duty with planes so much? because this board is flooded with zoomer normalfags?

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of all the franchises to put down, ace combat is not one of them

it literally has nothing in common with call of duty except that both are about the military (and one is wholly fictional so not even really the same). That's literally it for similarities.

go back

>Yas Forums liking AC Assault Horizon

I like it because it's fun and I enjoy the thought of being in a dogfight, using tactics to take out an enemy and setting flares to lead them away. Like I said before, I like it because its fun

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you can play a bigboy sim for that instead of this watered down arcade game

Go back where? I think Yas Forums has liked Ace Combat since 4 came out at the least

ace combat is far too anime to be call of duty with planes. only assault horizon counts as being anything like that, and it's reviled by ace combat fans.

>playing sims when you could fly a real plane

YOU go back zoomie. You clearly have no taste. Your missile shots trashed.

hurry up and die already simfag

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>OP uses the wrong AC to compare to Call of Duty
>He's also a simsfag
The ABSOLUTE state

I love these games! They're great fun! The campy stories and amazing music elevate them even further! 've played 4, 5, Zero, X, 7 and loved them all! I'm gonna play the PS1 games sooner or later and hopefully I'll get to play 6 somehow within the future!


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Is it possible to learn this autism?

I like the universe it's in and how the games connect together

>OPs reply to a thread from days ago was immediately slapped down as horseshit
>Tries to legitimise self-worth by posting their bullshit as a thread

Why is /v like this?

>simfag has so little fun with his autismo game he makes threads on Yas Forums to seethe
funny every time

and the funny thing is that simfags have to make up ace combat style missions because guess what dogfights aren't even a thing irl anymore

Based detective

1. Pick a game series
2. Say it's trash
3. Double down by saying it doesn't compare to some other game from a similar genre, bonus point if that game is old so you can call everyone else a zoomer for not liking it more
4. Spam threads as much as you can, challenge people to prove it's not trash and ignore every reply
4.5. Reply them with cope, seething etc.

AC6 is already on Xbone so it will be on SeX too.

Yas Forums liked the ace combat series before you started browsing and before pepe and 'feelsguy' even existed.

but you cant buy it anymore can you?

>Yas Forums has liked Ace Combat since 4 came out at the least
Yas Forums didn't exist when 4 came out.

How is this game compared to previous AC games? Mainly the Ps2 era ones.

>simpleb shitting on AC yet again
bad thread

It's basically the same.

No but there are a ton of copies of it. Ebay shows me several copies that are less than $20 including shipping in Leafbucks

I felt the final mission in 7 was a bit underwhelming. They should have done more with tunnels and the fucking space elevator.

What gameplay improvements should they add in the next game?

Optional objectives that influence future missions.

Ah yes, my zerobro

4player co-op campaign would be nice, just increase the amount of enemies based on the amount of players you have

The secret Red Bull about Ace Combat series that no one ever mentions is how the games basically are filled with "playable cutscenes", but instead of disrupting the gameplay and wasting your time (although this too happens, but only rarely) it fits in completely organically and naturally and you don't even notice it. However, it greatly enhances the immersion of the games, especially for players like me who would otherwise spaz around in playable cutscenes in other games, but who can't really do much of that here.
Ace Combat is more like Half-Life with planes than CoD with planes.

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Hire a writer, or at least an editor

Man i should get a xbox just for that one game
id ask a friend to give it for a week like i did with the ps4 but nobody has one

even if its a 2 player campaign id take it instantly
more aces or planes to dogfight and more targets or just put more side shit in we can compete over like more ships or AA guns or even useless shit for points

>simfag is back
The journey begins...

complete removal of hotas support to make simfags seethe again

Whats a plane not currently in 7 you'd like to see added as DLC, mods, or in the next game?

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Sukhoi makes the coolest planes