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why did he leave nintendo??


Because nintendo realize he didnt do anything related to videogames

corrupt company

I will always associate him with Wii generation and the E3s. Comfy times!

>Doing podcasts instead of fixing gamestop's PR image which just dug itself even deeper beyond points anyone could imagine

good job Reginator

imagine being the kind of person who would listen to this podcast

>t. not body-ready anons


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He's retired.
>But gamestop
He shows up to board meetings here and there. It's basically a hobby.

Probably was scared off by Yakuza man.

new management

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>undeserved communities
Shouldn't it be under served? Or does he actually mean communities that shouldn't exist?

The wrestler?

lmao based, the very first thing I thought of, I am not disappointed

It says underserved. But you’re right, niggers shouldn’t exist.

No Iwata

Lol first thing I saw too

>underserved communities
reggie was always an SJW cuck and he revealed as such after he quit

>not pretending to help a company as a ruse to instead fuck with the people who tried undercutting your business after you retire for fun

He retired.

How is dyslexia treating you, champ?

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Probably literally considering he was behind the censorship force.

He probably left because they didn't want that to happen outside Japan anymore.

the dude is in his 60s, why would he continue working?

are you telling me it's a coincidence that jews were kicked out of 109 countries? are you telling me that 109 countries all have an un-satiable hatred for jews? why do 109 countries all have this in common? what a weird coincidence.

Because the company has been slowly pushing more monetization since Iwata died, and Reggie wanted no part in the Loot Box mobile games.

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You just have all these facts ready at any given time but you're not weird and you're gonna save your loved ones.

That game wasn't Nintendo though, but I get your point.

based, put the goyim cattle in their place.

>spending money on microtransactions
>spending money on GAAS, knowing full well the service will eventually shut down
these subhumans deserve it.

>Pokemon Company isn't a part of Nintendo...


Oy vey isn't a greeting. Whoever made this is an anti-semite.

did he manage to save gamestop

Actually as surprising as it is, it's not. Like nintendo owns a huge stake in it and makes a lot of decisions but at the end of the day they don't "own" it