Is No Mans Sky worth playing now?

Is No Mans Sky worth playing now?

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No slash thread.

Attached: nms.jpg (669x473, 106.5K)

This is the first image I remember seeing where people pointed out how ridiculous the two guys on the left look. That was before people started using the term basedboy.

reminder that this is the original soiboi pic

s o y

The fact that the motherfuckers spent years after release listening to player feedback and fixing the game with free updates earns them my respect, you know if any other game company were in the same situation they would make the entire game's worth of extra content locked behind a paywall or any other scummy way to extract more money from its playerbase. This is obviously a labor of love and you don't see things like that in the gaming industry anymore.

If you like the thematic, yes. There're many things to do and the game is overall good right now.
The best part would be the mid to end game, where you start to really get things going with farming, base building, freighters and stuff like that.

yeah it's good

they could have taken the massive profit and sold the company.