ITT: actually good protagonists

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pic unrelated

Wow so clever

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Name 1 flaw he had
>inb4 loyalty is a bad trait


He presence isn't in the first game, and even that isn't a very valid complaint


Seriously, what about this asshole appeals to people?

what happened to the western part?

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Damn Arthur is soooo hot and handsome, wish he would ass fuck me after shoot both my legs with a Sawed-off shotgun

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best mute

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It didn't seem to garner any attention so I employed a different tactic

What the fuck is your problem

He didn't fuck the whole game so we couldn't see his fat cock.

>purged a bunch on Yas Forums anons
>burned all the onepiece threads
>posts 3 in /gif/

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He had a really bad temper, and that directly lead to his death. Arthur is still a goddamned magnificent human being, though.


no fucking way.............


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>Name 1 flaw he had
He didn't fuck sweet Mary-Beth and kept simping for that Mary Lynton cunt.

He thinks on /y/



wtf thats real?? theres no way

fuck this centrist

This is somekind of animation dont fall for that bros

Nah bro it's legit, here's another one of his performances.

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Halo 3's Masterchief is the best protagonist and you will see why later this year. This was the first game I was really into.

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Damn....what cats eat in niggerica?

when you think you’ve seen it all, huh