Wheres my fucking gen 4 remakes

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Gamefreak busy turning the map into a giant corridor, be patient.


Look at those cute feet, just look at them. Those curled up toes, those nice ankles, those sweet nails. Truly, 2D feet are the best.

Hikari is cute

quick rundown on andy warhol.

waaaahhhh where are muh remakes, i wanna dress up in jammies and eat cereal again wahhhhh muhh remakesssssssss, MOMMYYYYYY TRYONE STOLE MUH GAMEBOY AGAINNNNNNNNNN, SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU MAN CHILD AND GROW UP

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be thankful a gen 4 remake hasn't been made yet

Gen 6 needs the remake more

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Would you really want it after we’ve seen what’s become of pokemon? I think it’s dead and the talent left or sold out.

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Hopefully it'll look not awful like Sword/Shield.

why is she so perfect

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>please gamefreak, rape what little untainted memories of my youth i have left


It's gonna suck ass and you know it.
GF is incapable.

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becuz she was bfbbc

Why do you want a remake after the travesty that is 6 gen onward? GameFreak can't make quality games anymore

Uh oh the gen5/6 trannies are here, abandon thread

I would legitimately consider spending one of my three genie wishes to transfer development rights for Pokemon to a competent developer.

Unova and Sinnoh are brother regions you fucking Hoenncuck

I thought Sinnoh connected to Johto, connected by the ruins of alph?


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Kanto is technically closer to Sinnoh than Johto is since they're based on real life Japan.

The only way they're actually connected is their origin. Sinnoh features several sections of the original Gen 2 beta map.

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I'll tell you a secret Yas Forums.
I love little girls

After all that happened you STILL want to see the travesty that will be a gen 4 remake?

>I thought Sinnoh connected to Johto, connected by the ruins of alph?
Sinnoh and Unova are connected by a special cave as noted in BW2.

Who cares? Certainly not gamefreak, so why do you still pine for it?

>Dawn figure got delayed

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After what we got with Gen 8 I don’t even want a fucking Sinnoh remake.

How far back? I imagine you preordered it as well.

I think she went from May to July, so it's not too awful.

Just checked it is indeed July. At least the pre order still stands. One time my pre order got cancelled for no fucking reason and I was worried that happened again.
