Now that the dust has settled, was it actually good?
Now that the dust has settled, was it actually good?
Yes but tumblrfags nearly ruined it
Yeah, it's a serious contender for game of the decade for me. I don't know why it works so well, but it does.
Yes, looking forward to Deltarune
>Good music
>Characters with some funny dialogue
>Unique combat with enemies reacting differently to how you interact with them
8/10, basicly famous purely because of memes and autists thinking the story is well written
>Shit graphics
>Shit gameplay
>"Uhhh violence bad ur bad for killing mob enemies in da arr pee gees uwu exp is actually execution points ain't I so clever?"
>>"Uhhh violence bad ur bad for killing mob enemies in da arr pee gees uwu exp is actually execution points ain't I so clever?"
why do people get so hung over on this?
Because it's stupid. The game puts itself into a high pedestal for being able to spare enemies when you could already do that in many RPG's before. You know, the R U N button??
It also feels retarded and condescending.
sounds like you didn't understand it all, the violence and killing shtick is there so illiterates like you understand the real message and it still went by you, amazing.
Ok smart guy, what is the "message"? Hurr durr accept and tolerate everyone uwu
Be kind to others uwu
Fuck off retard.
it was ok. i only played it once though so i missed out on some epic twist with your save data or something. im sure people enjoyed that aspect of it but i didnt care about playing a turn based jrpg again
it's great except that I'm not a fan of finishing a game several times, which you kinda have to do if you don't wanna lose a lot of content
>Misses one of the most hamfisted messages in vidya
>Calls others retarded
They're butthurt the game gets so much praise. I agree the game has a lot of aspects to it that are a bit dumb but the stuff it does well it does really well so I don't give a fuck.
I dont know why its such a big deal you dont have to kill anyone
You know what other game you can finish without killing anyone?
Postal 2
Game is fun. Memes are garbage. People who go apeshit over it (either for or against) are dumbasses. Water is wet. Sky is blue. Music is banging.
there is no answer it's literally just violence is bad uwu
since you are obviously mentally impaired I'll work with your mindset to make it easy for you
You know autistic speedrunners who play a game the liked thousands of times over and over for hours on end and literally start analyzing the code?
The game is telling you not to do that to your favorite games, because you'll rip the magic and SOUL out if it and end up a tranny.
Not that user but the genocide route introduces definitely themes commenting on obsessions and learning to let go.
Bad game. Bad story. Only carried by the characters personality's and design.
When people praise the game’s story, it’s really praise for how well it uses the medium to tell the story rather than the story itself. For as much as people suck off TLoU and other games like it, they don’t come close to what Toby Fox accomplished in using the fact that its a game to tell the story.
....and that's the so called "hamfisted" message?
Weren't the SOULS thing just used as a mcguffin that the """final boss""" had and some gay furry turned sunflower absorbs it?
The characters were insufferable, especially that fish. How could've i figured out i could spare that bitch by running away? I just killed the relentless mothefucker
I used SOUL as in the soul soulless meme, not the in-game soul
but yes, that is the hamfisted message
>Claims he will delete your save file if you fail
>Pussys out and gives you more continues
What was the point?
Toby's strength is he's really good at using music to nail a tone.
Toby's strength is he's really good at making tomboys that everyone falls for then revealing that they're dykes
Not to mention Undertale is soulful, whereas TLoU is soulless. Undertale has music, TLoU doesn't.
The lesbian fish, the fat lesbian dino that obsessed over the playable character when she meets 'em, the ghost that cries and escapes, the overprotective fat goat, the HAHAHA HOLY FUCK SANS AHAHAHAHAHA HEEEEEHEHEHEHE HE'S SO FUNEE, the ghost that turned into uwu i'm trans now i'm an anime magical girl now uwuwuwuwuww
Why is Mettaton's sexuality/gender all anyone talks about? He's the funniest character in the game next to Sans and Papyrus, but all people care about is the fact that he's campy.
The point was to show that Frisk had the determination to overcome.
I liked it. Wish the game edited files like how the demo manual pages changed based on your ending, or did more with the saves
No nigger, I meant the ghost that attacks you in the garbage dump that leaves the mannequin and inhabits a magical girl fuckdoll or some shit.
I think he meant that you couldn't go back to your old safe file, as in before you start the fight.
But it's kind of a dumb threat since it's a linear game and there isn't much of a reason to go back anyway.
No, play a real game you pussyfags
What was even the point of the furry final boss being extremely fucking difficult if you can't just die? You just keep "refusing" to die and shit, what's the point?
Undyne was harder.
Undyne's energy spears appearing from thin air were pretty cool honestly.
>Now that the dust has settled
When will you fags stop using this repetitive, retarded, and unoriginal phrase? Pea-brained pieces of shit with your stupid fucking threads.
And yes, Undertale was a good game. It was no game of the year by any far stretch, but it was memorable, fun, quirky, and had a great fucking soundtrack. But no, you stupid bitch, you just want to hear le EPIC Yas Forums vent out their frustration over the "KEKED LESBIAN' narrative that isn't really that prominent in the story anyways. Alphys was a shit, but being a lesbian wasn't even the beginning of her main problem.
The games main gimmick was the save/ reload function altering reality like some final JoJo villain just to see what changes but they never played it up to it's fullest potential.