No NiGHTS into Dreams 3

>No NiGHTS into Dreams 3
>No Burning Rangers 2
>No JSRF 2
>No Astal 2
>No Panzer Dragoon Orta 2
>No new Virtual On
>No new Daytona
>No new After Burner
>No new Crazy Taxi
>Don't even want to port their old games
What the FUCK happened to this fucking company? At one point they were the KINGS of the Video Game medium but now they're a pathetic husk that only remembers Sonic.

Attached: SEGA_logo.png (1280x427, 53.98K)

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Fuck this zoomer board.

no Dawn of War

This might surprise you, but none of the Jet Set Radio games sold very well. They inspired a ton of copycats of their cel shaded style but the Jet Set games itself were crapped on by reviewers who said they weren't as sophisticated as Tony Hawk 2, and that's a pretty unfair comparison.

At the very least we're getting Sakura Wars and a VR Space Channel 5, and there's something called Nights Dream Wheel that got copyrighted last year. The creator of Nights said that if he did another game in the series, he would want it to have some kind of unique controller, so there you have it.

They are much better than Konami

They sacked most of their developers after 2002 and now there's nobody left to make games. The only dev team they have left is the Yakuza team, with everything else outsourced.

Did you know they made another house of the dead 2 years ago for arcades?

They have Sonic Team too, but there's no talent there.

Journey of Dreams was trash and I'd rather leave the memories alone on that one despite loving the first
would be cool but I'd settle for a port at this point
JSR was better
still need to play that honestly
same deal
Wasn't there a weird crossover game a few years ago?
They did release a new one and by that I mean a re-release of the original with updated graphics, yeah they need to make a new one already I agree
might b cool
just give me the old one with the actual soundtrack and KFC man

Wasn’t Jet Set Radio well-received, though? The original Dreamcast version has a 94 on Metacritic.

I will never forgive SEGA for not making Super Monkey Ball 3 or remastering the first 2 games, and instead giving us this piece of shit

Attached: Super-Monkey-Ball-Banana-Blitz-HD.jpg (2607x3210, 754.59K)

>What the FUCK happened to this fucking company? At one point they were the KINGS of the Video Game medium but now they're a pathetic husk that only remembers Sonic.

Money happened and Sega are a bunch of braindead monkeys at times.

>Sonic 06
>that Golden Axe reboot thing
>Aliens: Colonial Marines
>still keeping Sonic Team afloat

It was very well received in retrospect. Dreamcast, for as revolutionary a console as it was, also did not sell very well, and couldn't compete against the likes of the PS2 and a Color Fuckin' Gameboy. So as good as the game was, it was just a handful of people who know how much fun it was -- and it definitely didn't sell well in Japan, where they didn't "understand" it.

If these lists don't mention Virtua Fighter then these lists are made by a tasteless cretin who loves to eat shit.

Attached: goh-hinogami-virtua-fighter-5-2.61.jpg (210x240, 14.81K)


Sega is an arcade company first.
Arcades are dead.

Do the math.

Actually there is a new Daytona USA. It's just extremely soulless.
Also they have been investing into some older IP's lately, even if it's through mostly new ports and remakes at the moment.

Yuji Naka is Sonic Team

Didn't they also lay off their arcade team?

The majority of Sega IPs have struggled to sell during the last 20 years, this unfortunately is a fact.

Ever since Final Fantasy VII used 'over 70 hours of gameplay' as a selling point, gamers have prioritised time sinks, and you can see everything a typical old-school Sega game has to offer in a couple of hours if you wish. Also, nobody even knows what those franchises are anymore. They aren't marketable to anyone besides fat old has-been arcade boomers such as myself.

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Where is my Alex Kidd 3 you cowards!

They used to have 9 arcade dev teams. They still have 1 left, making garbage rhythm and mobile games.

It was a shame. The initial numbers in the states brought some hope but yeah, the DC was doomed from the get-go.

I'm talking about the one nagoshi led, the one that did all the amazing shit like virtua fighter and outrun

>not Fighters Ultramix

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You mean Yu Suzuki?

Oh no, no more 3 minute arcade games! Face it Segabros, the industry as a whole has moved past shit like Virtua Fighter.

>the industry as a whole has moved past shit like Virtua Fighter
On to shit like Tekken 7 and Street Fighter 5?

Have you guys seen Streets of Rage 4? It actually looks good.

>We'll never get a Zelda game with the fishing segments made by SEGA

>No Skies of Arcadia 2

Attached: skies-of-arcadia-0021.jpg (600x300, 61.42K)

>Ctrl+F "Shinobi"
>No results
You all disgust me.

It doesn't need a sequel. It needs a remake though. There's currently no best way to play it. DC & GC have their pros and cons.

people unironically think PS2 Shinobi games are bad even though they were a perfect 2D to 3D transition.

The tate mechanic was based

Attached: 1061212-hibana10ol.jpg (960x841, 58.12K)

-No fantasy zone
-No out run
-No alien syndrome
-No alex kid
-No psycho fox
-No hang on

Fuck Sega. They’re literal autist of gaming. Imagine having so many IPs and just doing nothing.

You could do the "you didn't mention X" thing until the cows come home. Their list of well received IPs dwarfs literally every other publisher and/or studio.

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The only people I've heard ever mention those games say they loved them. The only thing to the contrary I can think of is reviewers at the time complaining about the difficulty, but that's it.

You should've put some titties or a wojak instead of the Sega logo.

>psycho fox

You faggots are reaching now

Imagine having a developer as good as AM2 and letting it go to waste.

All I want a single player Phantasy Star game again. Imagine Xenoblade X but Phantasy Star.

Found nintenkike basedboy. It was 10 times better than any mario game ever

The new Sakura Taisen looks like it has an actual budget tho, probably because of the whole waifu simulation aspect still.

Nightshade kind of sucked, but the first one was pretty good. Far from perfect, but good. The 3DS game is good, too.

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The Saturn was such a disaster it killed Sega unironically.

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Out of those series I truly feel sad seeing predominantly dead is Virtual-On but I can see why some of the other series are dead. Some of those series were niche back then, god only knows how poor the sales would end up being for some of these games despite getting shilling from others.

Reminder that they have Persona 5 Royal going on right followed by a new Sonic game and Bayonetta 3.

Exactly what I did upon clicking this thread. Mah nigga.

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Nightshade was better than the first,
Better music, Better controls, better level design.
Based Kumatani.

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That's an extremely low bar to set, to be fair.