Nioh 2

Will she or an "ancestor" get a guest boss battle like Hayabusa?

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No, Momiji is the one getting a cameo

>deal more damage than her
>over 171K


generals aren't allowed on Yas Forums

Hope they add a fucking menacing looking 1kat like the Namahage 2kat and Odachi. I mean, there is Demon's Maw but I want something that looks like a butchering knife or falchion

About to do the Twilights. Any anons need to also finish them or feel like hopping in, the password is GRAB

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just go the blackmail route, it's much easier. Right, Oni?


Not risking it

is she not wearing panties?

Thete will be no embarrassing screenshots taken9

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Panties are a western invention.

And I won't type while fighting Flying Bolts like I just did

Wasn't her mother looks pretty similar to her(duh)? An ancestor seems likely.
Or they could maybe use time-space distortion excuse like in Warrior Orochi.
If KT wants to revitalize DoA popularity, crossover to their more famous IP is the only way.

What weapons do you think they'll add? Claws are the only one I can see them adding since there would be no overlap.

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No one trusts you

Where are the fucking pics


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No one believes a wrestling poster

Fans would indeed have the least crossover, even less so than claws. I'm just concerned what kinda moveset can they even give to fans.

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Fucking delete this

Dollface-user if you're around let me know if you're feeling better and I'll open a room, we can do chill stuff if you want to.
I really want a rapier moveset that uses alchemy like Maria does. Or a omnyo sword where your stance effects the element you use.

Also I read about the weapon hitting off walls last thread, the rokurobis still rebound off walls too before they transform. I don't recall the regular humans doing it though.

From Spanish to... Swedish?

Why not.

He's a coomer, don't bother

I want her or nyotengu. Or their parents. How old is nyotengu during Nioh 2?

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Around 400 so it could work.

>we can do chill stuff if you want to

Without kunoichi pic this time?

think i remember someone saying she was around 300 during this time.
She looks more like an Ubume honestly

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This sleazy ugly bastard is fucking super hot yokai and basically you're stupid

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maybe there are different types of tengus I doubt nyotengus fuck those birds and I doubt they evolved from those birds into human-like in such a short time period.

I don't want people mad at me.
I wish I took him to Hide's mom in the Interim. At least I got Yasuke's comment about Nobunaga.

>thinking koei tecmo cares about Kasumi
Lmao. Ayanme gets way more cameos and story outside of Dead or Alive than Kasumi. It also took her YEARS to get a playable appearance in Warriors Orochi while Hayabusa, Ayame and even fucking Rachel were playable before her. Fuck, they've been taking her off the FOA extreme box art too.

nyotengu is the result of Hide shifting into a tengu and fucking Mumyo

is there any yokai he HASNT fucked

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Last call to hop in & fight Angery Squirrel. Already at the end. Probably gonna call it a day after this one

Left one is cuter, right one is overrated

They put Kasumi in Razor's Edge has a "screw you" to Itagaki. Itagaki saw her as one of his innocent "daughters" and would never put her where there's blood, so Koei is more likely to put Kasumi in Nioh because of how violent it is.

>Koei is more likely to put Kasumi in Nioh because of how violent it is.
Only if you can dismember her like those mooks

To who? I assume you're writing a name but all I see is "Oatmeal"

Fuck off DOAtards

Don't you fucking dare compare MarĂ­a to that piece of shit

Is it weird I'm kind of disappointed Nioh doesn't use this brand of tegu? I really like monsters that are more uncanny humans more than just animal people.

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has anyone made him in character creator yet?

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The Dead or Alive creator who also rebooted Ninja Gaiden. Sorry if I'm not getting a reference.

>1 Nioh thread up
>Literally dozens of The Last of Us 2 threads, porn threads and low-effort shit threads
>This is okay

No. Every demon in the land wobbles at the knees from the memory of his dicking. Even Yamato No Orochi got thrashed by Dad Thundercock.

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neither are faggots and you are here