ITT we explain our hatred for Nomura without being within two degrees of abstraction from homophobia

ITT we explain our hatred for Nomura without being within two degrees of abstraction from homophobia.

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Why do all his characters look like Idol dancers

"we" don't hate nomura. tourists from leddit hate nomura.

>"we" don't hate nomura. tourists from leddit hate nomura.

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Nomura is fine

I just don't get why he's become the sole face of Final Fantasy.

Would like to see a new perspective for the next numbered game

He doesn't know what the characters he himself designed are supposed to act like. He is purely a corporate guy.

I can tell his mindset upon designing everything back before he got into a director role was completely different from what the people who actually made the games envisioned. Since he's never played final fantasy ever, he only has a shallow perception of WHAT HIS OWN DESIGNS are supposed to be. That in turn caused every dumb normie to think shit like cloud is emo, or sephiroth being the darkness in cloud's heart.

Sure, this probably came because of lack of proper communication between writers, director and designer, but how can someone be so distant from their own life's work as to not know it's purpose? And this isn't just for FF7, it's the same for everything else he designed too. He almost acts like George Lucas.

Writes maudlin and convoluted games.
Which would be fine if the dialogue and characters weren't so cringe.

He gave rufus a belt skirt for some reason.

I think I learned to respect creators more than their fans and critics, maybe there's some prime truth to that.

I have a love-hate relationship with this guy.
Like, he knows how to properly direct a game in all of it’s needs, knows how to build hype moments and character moments that makes you care.
He is terrible at writing a coherent plot, gets way to experimental with concepts while using every shitty anime trope at the same time.
His character designs range from iconic and memorable to being top tier cringe.
I think he is best at writing stories with a smaller scope or small stakes, like KH1, and there is some producer cutting him out on his dumb ideas.