Do you prefer to play as an Elf or an Orc in RPG's?

Do you prefer to play as an Elf or an Orc in RPG's?

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ha ha get it? reverse stereotypes are funny and unique,
there totally not equally boring and unimaginative

Cute elf girls are cute!

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haha yeah dude
Let me slap tits as well so people care about my reddit tier excuse for wit!

Prefer orc girls to be human sized but tomboyish

I generally like playing orc. The concept of say an orc paladin or an orc mage is much more novel to me than an elf warrior, which usually just feels like a shittier warrior.

I want that orc to sit on my face and suck me dry

here's a thinking exercise

Imagine his small elf dick trying to impregnate that high test healthy big orc vagina

>this artist

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He ruined her, now she’s an ugly titty monster

a HUMAN master race

Elves and Orcs are boring to me because they are so stock standard fantasy
They are the missionary and doggy of fantasy respectively; pretty dry, but tried and true always blue

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looks like the artist is into very thick monster girls

why is that orc so FAT?

>armored thong over stockings
forgive me master, but i have to coom all the way, just this once

Wouldn't it be funny if, completely hypothetically of course, that I got completely bisected from head to taint by a giant girl's jetstream piss that is powerful enough to cut concrete? Just a thought.

>gets mad when called fat
What is her stance on being called thicc

Human because humans are the best.
Fuck all the other races, literally and figuratively.

gib elf wife

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Sorry to ruin your coom, but those are leather pants, not pantyhose. If it was, however, I would coom even harder than you.

Orc-chan uses heavy magic! She says very large words! Big spells for big girls!

>str 160
>with that flab
lol no

based OP

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>Average height with white skin, brown hair, and either brown or blue eyes
>Slightly above average height
>Warrior or Paladin
>Rides a horse
>Uses a sword and a shield, or a two handed sword
>Backstory is he used to be a farmer, or he joined the military
>Marries a traditional human village girl
>Is always the party leader

If this isn't your character in every fantasy RPG you play, you're a faggot.

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>Never of fat muscle.
You know, most real "Strongmen" have a decent fat content on top of muscle

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She could just spec into Muscle Wizard

high CON stat

>literally all of these except for blacksmith instead of farmer
what the fuck how did you know?

Is this orc mode or space marine mode?

Probably Space Marine. They are canon thicc

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You mean this one? It's not the same artist but I like his stuff too

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Because you're a fucking chad, and chads think alike.

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my main?
why its a human mage with long grey hair and beard

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>wizardfag thinks he's anything but a cuck
You get points for not being a faggy elf, but you still have a long way to go. Maybe one day you'll look at fireballs and think "I was a faggot 12 year old for thinking this was ever cool" and pick up a sword instead.

Verdict: C-, has potential but is still a cuck

It's just supposed to be cute, ESL autist.


>long post
lol gay

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Wasn't she always one?

I fucking love elves!

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I always play manlet gnomes or dwarves or half-lings in any game.