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none of this would've happened if they made Jak and Daxter 4

Please no, dont let them ruin that too

Can't wait to see how Jason Schiller spins this one to be positive

This is dumb, this way they are hurting the games sales and their own bonuses
I dont buy it

You mean Jacqueline and Daxina: The Quest for Matriarchy.


Wasn't the leaker already branded racist, homophobic and transphobic? Or was it Valve leaker? Who was already forgotten by the way.

This is not the same Naughty Dog that made those games so I don't want it.

No don't believe this, Jason Bloomjewer will tell you Naughty Dog is innocent and that only he does *real* journalism, no 'disgruntled employee' tells the truth, only Jason Bloomjewer!

They probably anticipate consumer spending to go down as the coronavirus mess continues, and even after countries open up again. On the other hand games that released a few weeks ago are doing quite well since everyone is indoors.

As much as I'd like a new JaD game, I wouldn't want it with current Naughty Dog
Knowing those dipshits, it would just be Nathan Drake with pointy ears and Jak now being gay or some other revisionist progressive pandering bullshit

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>senior staff (including Neil Druckmann) asked for and received their bonuses early

Rules for thee but not for me.

You mean the sequel where Jack finds out he is a woman trapped in a man's body so you need to go around and collect orbs that a mad scientist can use to change him into a woman and then turn Daxter into an anthromorphic human so they can have gay-trans-interspecies-furry sex?

>jew lead company turns out to be extremely greedy
the jokes write themselves

Another dumb thing.There is going to be a huge economical crisis AFTER the pandemic. If people think things are bad now they dont know what its coming. If I wanted to sell my game I wouldnt delay it one single day


While this could be true
It probably is only a half-truth at best. Mainly because the details of how the employee was handled would make doxxing them a lot easier. This sounds like an employee who didn't do it try to guess why someone would, without getting into the Anti-Christian reasons.

Tldr could be true but probably isn't or at least isn't the whole story.

Could be true but that reads like bullshit

user a modern Jak and Daxter in todays woke industry would not be a true Jak and Daxter

This sounds pretty believable to me. Sony probably wanted to shift the release until November to fill PS5's slot since that's definitely getting delayed. Based employee fucking their shitty plan up.

Modern day “ sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things.”

Isn't it funny how progressive lefties ONLY care about trannies and "PoC" these days, while outright treating workers like shit? Treating wagies like in the pic is just disgusting.

>Jewish Game Developers finally get their well deserved bonus after decades of oppression

Source: I know a guy

>I might, or might not give you a bonus some time in the future, if things go wel
>Buys a fucking house, plans a wedding, etc
These employees are fucking retarded.

This. They should have never tried to make movies. There goal and scope should have never changed from making fun games.

an animal crossing thread died for this

It's probably not quite finished QA / testing / working out all the final bugs yet since work from home has slowed everything down. But you're right, they should have kicked it out the door weeks ago. With a plot like that, pitch-perfect gameplay wouldn't have helped one bit.

>leddit rp faggotry

This sounds like bullshit for karma as it identifies to Naughty Dog who the leaker is

Holy fuck I can't wait for the shitstorm if this is true. Nu-sony is cancer.

>base all yours plans on unreliable income in the future
fucking what?
I get christmas bonuses and end of financial year bonuses, but i aint gonna just ASSUME that shit works out
entitled fucks

there are few bigger slurpers of corporate cock other than lefties in the vidya industry

yeah it`s almost as if they are only pushing certain messages to divide us and make it easier for big companies to further exploit us.

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ITT we guess Naughty Dog's next hit franchise now TLOU is dead.

>Tranny Poz my Dick Off 3: Agender Empire Strikes Back
>Rainbow Acceptance Child Drag Queen Simulator
>Destroy all Dicks 2: Rectum Pharaoh Returns
>HIV+ Tag Tournament (Featuring Crash Bandicoot)
>Super Equality Rumble
>HRT Valley (Translated from Hebrew)
>DOOM: Piss Earth (with collectable Funko Pop depicting iconic ‘Gloryhole Kill ‘QTE from the game!)

this is literally the fucking article by cucKotaku

> a source

yeah, a fucking website



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the wagie of us

Stop posting gay plebbit posts here

Go back to your shitty nu male site faggot

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>senior staff aren't held to the same terms of contract
Every fucking time, lmao.

Fuck those retards, they agreed to work like this and now they want an advance? Fuck them.

The beauty of the liberal run Californian utopia

>kratos dies in the next god of war
>atreus become the main character and is a faggot
screncap this, see ya when the sequel is announced for the PS5, santa monica is just like naughty dog btw and cory barlog is an insufferable faggot to work with, how this idiot has a family and managed to marrry a woman is beyond me

Or maybe ND could not be jews and pay their employees properly instead of doing this stupid delayed bonus shit

Cope tranny.

>made Crash Bandicoot
>made Jak and fucking Daxter
>then went on to make Unsharted and The Last of Them/They/It
why did it go so wrong? what happened?

Do game devs really still not have a fucking union?

I think the biggest problem I see here is people who make plans around money they haven't received yet. That isn't good financial security, no matter what a contract says, you should only make plans around actual finances you own, in general.

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One of the laws of jewry

If true then the leaker is a real human bean and a real hero

As someone who works adjacent to game development this reads very much as a half truth. Yes you *do* get bonus's at certain milestones, but but oftentimes it doesn't scale with profit unless you're someone senior in studio (and to be honest, I've never met anyone who's had that before) and its usually not for release only (alpha, beta, launch). I'm not totally familiar to ND's work culture, but given the amount of other LA based studios I doubt they could really add such a loose delay on bonus, nor would it really make sense for me that ND is denying them that, you usually keep a slush fund in production to pay off these bonus's or unexpected costs anyways

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Based Neil druckmann keeping slavery alive.

Pretty much none of the original staff that made Crash and Jak remain.

Unions are fucking cancer, kill yourself.

>tfw no big tiddy goth gf

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Don't care if a bunch of fags and trannies don't get their money.

They were never going to get a bonus. Every publisher does this, they have that "or not at all" clause for a reason, bonuses haven't been standard in the industry for over a decade now, ask anyone who works in it. The publish always jews the numbers to pull the no bonus clause.

Yeah, you're right, it's clearly better for people to work with trash pay in cities with skyrocketing cost of living for months at a time.

Hopefully Corona-chan kills the leaker and his coworkers. Not like they matter, most of them were fresh hires, code monkeys are a dime a dozen.

The leaker is a hero regardless.

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>sees the word collective in anything and probably assumes it's related to communism

These "people"? Absolutely.