You guys hyped to play as DUTCH on Red Dead Redemption 3 (2031)?

You guys hyped to play as DUTCH on Red Dead Redemption 3 (2031)?

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pls rspnd

>playing as a literal cuck
No thanks bro

We'll play as Mac Callander during his exploits in the 1880s when the old west was dying and being replaced by civilization (yeah it always seemed to do that).

That makes some sense since the protagonist seemingly HAS to die, also they keep making such a big fuss about the black water ferry but never actually showing how it went down. Another big reason would be that they have his brother Davey for the monolithic main relationship thing these games seem to love to do.

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No I don't like Dutch and I'm tired of the gang. Do a new location with new characters

>Implying we won't play as UNCLE
Gotta see the exploits he got himself into to get accursed with his legendary lumbago.

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The next game will be Jack Marston during ww1
Uncle is Red

>Uncle is Red

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Im more lf a Hosea kinda gal

If they still plan on stretching out this storyline, then it better at least be Hosea.

>Dutch is the protag you're best friends with
>You play as Hosea
>You can teach younger Arthur the tricks of the trade


No. Dan Houser left the company, I have no hope for any of their future games.

Step in front of a runaway train...

Honestly just the sight of Dutch makes me frustrated after playing RDR2, I think playing as him will only make me angrier.
However I am totally down with exploring whatever the hell happened in that Blackwater incident they were referring to the entire game, I was surprised we didn't even receive a flashback or anything and it was kinda odd hearing about it but not actually seeing it in person.

Molly or Micah ratted them out on the Blackwater job.

Arthur's father

how would you feel if Jenny was the protagonist instead?

Attached: Jenny_Kirk.jpg (350x309, 12.21K)

or abigail

uncle in his youth was a real gunslinger, that swore an oath to never kill again, and to watch over the baby son of his good friend. That son ? John Marston. Uncle never picked up a gun again in his life until it was defending John and his family. he died a hero.

Terminal lumbago.

the one shot kid

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Fuck dutch

I'll be 40 year old literal boomer then

Getting a sex scene with Micah sounds pretty based.

>spend the entire game loving Dutch like he was my real dad
>tfw that scene where he just quietly leaves Arthur, and then quietly leaves John as well at the end

WHY, Papa Dutch?! All I wanted was to follow your lead and make the gangs dream come true! Why did we fail? I literally carried that fucking gang on my back and thats the thanks I got?!
But seriously tho, as far as western games go I never cared about characters as much as I did with RDR2.
Though they are ALL STILL DUMB AS ROCKS! Cant make money for shit by themselves, jesus christ.

nah there's that mission with uncle and the bois where you have to hide in that shed overnight from cornwalls men looking for you and uncle's packing and uses a shotty

I didn't play the first RDR so I didn't know the whole "Dutch is actually the bad guy eventually" part, the entire time until chapter 4 I was all in with daddy Dutch being based, until you start noticing him change.
I was blown away by how many times I had the same reactions/expressions as Arthur in that game, to the point that I felt like a part of myself died with Arthur at the end.

I played RDR1 way back when it came out and after RDR2 I wish I hadnt.
I would have enjoyed RDR1 even MORE if I had known RDR2 story beforehand.
If you play RDR1 first you literally got no reason to care about the gang members that you kill as John, and when I played RDR2 I already knew who was gonna die or disappear at the end.
Prequels was such a shitty idea in this case.

I guess rockstar did really hit PC players really well, since we didn't get RDR1 on PC a lot of people went into RDR2 blind with no knowledge of the first games story and arguably had a much better experience.