Imagine a game where you climb all over the viking "buildings"

Imagine a game where you climb all over the viking "buildings"

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you'll be climbing trees and mountains and ship rigging like in ac3

this is the soo called viking civilization?

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That's good to hear, everyone loved ac3

That's not even from the same time period as vikings.

surely someone lived in one still

LOL at this point, Norse cucks are wakanda niggers

>could've gone with literally any advanced civilization with interesting architecture, societies, and important events that changed history
>they pick snownigger mudhut dwellers just to appeal to the cancer netflix series crowd

AC3 was shit. didn't even participate in the war or undertake in any poltics in founding the country.

But AC3 had NYC and Boston to break the monotony. Vikangz is going to be dogshit whose saving grace is going to be a dogshit AC Blackflag where instead of full scale ship battles it's going to QTE's when you pull in a ship during battle and barging out of a ship to raid a village.


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no one has argued that vikings were some amazing civilization (they weren't). they were just raiders that raped some monks and stole their shit.



>peasant dwellings suck
yep, as they did all across Europe until maybe the 1950's. Even during the height of the Roman empire, most people lived in cramped shitbox apartments that would make the average nigger ghetto today look great by comparison.
not really, they had advanced metallurgy and great shipcrafting. besides during the Viking age basically everyone lived like this no matter where you were.

*Everyone* definitely did not live like this. Maybe everyone in NORTHERN EUROPE but that was not the standard.


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alright post the great structures they left behind cum-skin

Valhalla can have Paris or Constantinople.

gimme some good viking shows

Oh my sweet summer child. If you only knew...

>basically everyone lived like this
The french were already building the Notre-Dame you stupid faggot, Constantinople was already the greatest city and the Hagia Sophia was already there. Keep coping.

Muh iceland and getting rekt'd by igloo injuns that literally drove you back! Such culture!

Watch vikings on netflix, no blacks or trannies


Skandi bors, we'll be owning this board for some while

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Canterbury was already built too I forgot to mention.
What a tremendous faggot.

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that show is trash its full of feminist propaganda with cuck shit and no historical accuracy.the plot is soap opera tier.

I mean if they're smart they set it during the time of the North Sea Empire and have you able to explore North England.

Also I'm pretty sure people are forgetting the Viking Age is smack dab in the middle of the middle ages, so it's not THAT detached from Assassins Creed 1.

>on netflix
Nice try.

If you like anime Vinland Saga was really good

Nah the deigos had some pretty cool shit but who cares they're fuckin boy fucker fags anyway

plot twist shills
you have become a miniature

Ah, yes, the trans latino vikings.

I hope you got that confused with The Last Kingdom. Vikings is trash

No, they should make you part of the Varangian guard if anything.

And central, and southern. The average person simply didn't have the resources in this time period to build elaborate structures for residence, it wouldn't be practical.
>give examples of civilization
>n-nuh uh give these specific ones
Kek but to address your point a great number of temples were burned following the crusades, but there are fantastic examples of cathedral and fortresses in Scandinavia from the early medieval period.

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>no blacks or trannies
Lmao Kattegat is filled to the brim with Muslims and fucking Asians for some stupid reason.

>Vikings famous for raiding monastaries which were built like fortresses.

I fail to see the problem.

>just gets mad his stupid post didn't get enough (you)s in the last thread
>starts a whole new thread to bait another idpol argument

extremely low effort

Looks like a shitty chink knock-off of brand shit ngl

They were also famous for a guy chopping all their heads off cause he got sick of their shit when they'd fuck up defenseless monasteries of peaceful holy men.

>notre dame
You do realize construction on Notre Dame only began 100 years after the end of the Viking Era, right?

>no one has argued that vikings were some amazing civilization
I can tell that you haven't been on "certain" boards on here.