What went wrong? i remember when this franchise was more popular than god of war

What went wrong? i remember when this franchise was more popular than god of war

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assassin's creed happened

It became 3D.

People sperged out when it got a little edgy, so they went back on it and the series stagnated.

this. ubishit has totally left to rot this brand without even giving a true final to the first prince of persia for PS3. No to mention those forgotten sands.

He had no nipples. None.

Assassin's Creed is the spiritual successor to Prince of Perisa ;^)


Prince of persia Forgotten sands happened.

I sometimes forget they're different franchises

i played the trilogy and it was nice. I even replayed it recently after all those years and it is still great.

You should be honored to die by my sword !

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PoP2 went wrong
>shit brown / ash grey color palette
>a light hearted fairy tale turned into a grim dark edgefest
>nu metal
>a once charming and charismatic character turned into a depressing emo asshole
i liked the game back when it came out though, it had the good gameplay of the first game but it had been improved with more moves and better combat, and the level design was still good adding a little bit of back tracking to a once linear game. It was only after replaying the game a few years ago that i began to notice the flaws, 3 tried to fix it a little bit but then Asscreed came out and PoP died, forgotten beneath the sands of time themselves


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>Dual wielding
>Reverse gripping
>Curved swords

PoP, ww and reboot were great.

they made a couple shitty attempts at innovation, failed then made asscreed and keeped the game without innovations and no risk

pure edge

weird of them to drop such a big IP.

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The actual answer is that warrior within was rushed the fuck out of the door and its still one of the best if not the actual best platformers out there. Combat is infinitely better than in the first one and the platforming has been improved even more (+ you have some actual exploration now)

söys cried it wasnt yet another disney movie so they backtracked, delivered another rushed and this time also panic halfassed third game and then it would have gotten fucking hard to milk the story of the sands of time prince any further than that. they tried the 7th gen reboot but it went under the radar because it was pretty unremarkable shit so the IP went into a coma after the disaster of a movie

IDK but the movie was the only time I agreed with the sjw brigade.

Why the fuck was everyone white???

Motherfucker Within>Sands of Motherfucker>The Two Mofos

persians are white though

not everything has to go on forever

Don't fall into the Iranians>white meme for fuck sake...

I played through Sands of Time and Warrior Within for the first time this year. Warrior Within lacks some of the finesse and polish of Sands of Time when it comes to level design. Even ignoring the weird aesthetic/tonal shift I don't think it's as strong of a game. Combat is better, though.

They made that funky 2008 cell shaded one that wasnt everyones cup of tea then ditched the franchise for Assassins Creed. Which gave us barebones stealth and brain dead platforming with mediocre combat. They had cool stories as Im told, I only played 2 which many say it the high point of the Ezio story. It was fine, but I had no desire to play any afterwards.

7th gen happened and people learned that art and graphics sell more games than good gameplay.

Honestly that is true. Jedi Fallen Order is a pretty good replacement for it too honestly.

too bad asscred is shit while prince was classy

have the games aged well? im worried the puzzles might be a big no no

>Big IP
Both PoP 2008 & Forgotten Sands flopped while AC was making mad cash
Of course they let this franchise to rot

The third game was supposed to be a good send-off for the whole franchise, but it was more stale than the second game and all the characters got FUCKED UP. The first Sands of Time game was really, really, pretty good, not amazing, just really solid with some really well fleshed out main characters and a good plot. Outside of the "combat" which was infuriatingly monotonous, it had some light puzzles that really took advantage of the reversing time mechanic. It also was fairly engaging and had lots of interesting parkor elements that were delightful to play around with.

>Prince of nu-metal ruined the franchise

Nope. It is where you started to see a slight dip in the writing quality, but the combat and set pieces were loads better in that one compared to the first.

Everything but the visuals and combat have aged "well"

(whatever that means to you).

PoP 2008 was 12 years ago

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Warrior Within and especially Two Thrones feel like they were done on a smaller budget than Sands of Time. There's something off about the sounds in them like they really lack the impact they should, or sometimes things that you do are completely silent.


Attached: prince-of-persia-the-sands-of-time-menu.png (640x480, 380.89K)

thought that was due to my full rip pirated versions back then... but perhaps it also was

Honestly, I only liked sands of time.