Leaked plot makes sense. It's post apocalyptic word where strongest survive. Abby being buffed makes sense...

Leaked plot makes sense. It's post apocalyptic word where strongest survive. Abby being buffed makes sense. She grew up without family and had to become buff in order to be strong and survive on her own. Cycle of revenge and Abby killing Joel and then Ellie going after her and leaving "her gf" also shows well how revenge destroys lives. I also like how most of leaked cutscenes are non climactic and isn't overhyped which makes it more real.

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apocalyptic world*

>in the post apocalypse it makes sense that hrt is still made and used

The Walking Dead became shit. I don’t want this game to be anything like The Walking Dead

Stop being a dumb nigger.

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We don't know if it's hrt or working out. But she obviously had very masculine violent lifestyle since she was child which naturally affected her hormones even without injections.

No amount of being buff can save you from a bullet. Getting buff to survive only makes sense in an environment where everything is hand-to-hand and there are no guns.

that's a dude

Then why do special forces still rip their muscles so much and train martial arts?

>Abby being buffed makes sense.
An orphan in the post-apocalypse having the free time and resources to look like a professional body builder makes sense?

her brother is owen, a firefly soldier and he basically trained her to be a super killing machine (he's the tall dude you see in the joel death scene, and the one who finishes him off)

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alternatively why are all the front line fighters in Afghanistan lean as shit. because it's hard to maintain that physique with all the caloric intake you need

She’s modeled after a woman who works out every day with weights and also takes a bunch of supplements and gear to get her physique. I don’t care how tough life is in post apocalypse, you’re not getting that physique when even food can be scarce on the road.

And I presume Ellie kills Owen?

>cycle of revenge
So it's just a bad no more heroes 2?

wait what?? you play as a tranny?

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I feel like they're gonna at least make abby's gang fun because lmao if they don't

>Abby being buffed makes sense. She grew up without family and had to become buff in order to be strong and survive on her own
Its ltierally impossible for a woman to become that muscular naturally. You'd need months of training (which isn't practical at all in a post apocalypse) and chemical supplements like steroids and testosterone

>But she obviously had very masculine violent lifestyle since she was child which naturally affected her hormones even without injections.
No amount of exercise can make a women produce enough testosterone to result in that kind of musculature


Who cares if she's unrealistically buff it's a fuckin video game with mushroom zombies. Maybe she found some stash and roided up before going after Joel. Don't let it hurt your feelings.

>She grew up without family and had to become buff in order to be strong and survive on her own.

If the medic you kill in the first game is her father then she grew up with a family, unlike Ellie.

By this retarded logic, Ellie should be the one buffed as fuck since she executes countless niggas in the last game and is trained by a guy that has been doing this for years.

You are here trying to shill for the game and I know more about the series... I feel ashamed.

Even with perfect dietary adjustments, supplemental testosterone and constant workouts there are probably no more than 100 women like this worldwide.

Progressive delusion is so boring and dimwitted.

Found the NaughtyDog employee.

>Abby being buffed makes sense. She grew up without family and had to become buff in order to be strong and survive on her own.
bro I don't even know if this is satire or you are genuinely retarded. becoming buff means you eat for 3 people and work out several hours a day. all that for years. in apocalyptic stories people try to survive on a can of beans per day.

Could someone please green text the spoilers? I've been in three threads and everyone's discussing why it sucks but not what actually happens. I even googled it and the results are doing the same or taken down by reddits legal team.

>Joel gets killed by daughter of surgeon he killed
>Ellie might die too
>"Revenge is a cycle, i am a good writer" - Druckmann

>Abby being buffed makes sense. She grew up without family and had to become buff in order to be strong and survive on her own.
Wanna know how I can tell you've never set foot in a gym?
Or on a field that wasn't being used for a carnival/festival?

my fucking sides holy shit

Because I don't like horribly unrealistic elements in my games.
If you dislike games having sexualized designs in a post-apocalyptic setting yet make excuses for a woman having a literal roids-tier body, then you clearly don't give two shits about realism and just want to bitch about women that are prettier than you like every Karen does.

>Could someone please green text the spoilers?
my take
>During the original game Joel and Ellie travel across the US to find the fireflies who are looking for a cure
>When they get there, they put Ellie under but Joel realizes the fireflies are Josef Mengele tier lunatics
>He kills everyone and takes Ellie out without ever telling her what happened.
>The "daughter" of one of the Mengele docs magically becomes buff within 5 years and finds them
>Gets a Joel in One (TM)
>Ellie comes after "her"
>You play as buff they/them for the rest of the game with Ellie coming after you killing your friends
>Ellie for some reason brings her pregnant along gf (she is actually bi and preggers from her asian friend)
>They/them destroys ellie and her gf because power of testosterone replacement
>Leaves them bleeding to death without killing them because them/them's trans ftm sidekicks tells her not to because of pregger girl
>Ellie recovers but after some months once again goes after buff "girl" for revenge the end.