Here's your protagonist bro that'll be $60

Attached: tranny.png (1920x1080, 849.09K)

You're pretending to be a girl aren't you?

Attached: goofy.jpg (1280x720, 35.91K)

Who is the best Disney character and why is it Goofy?

It's because him having sex is canon.
Even before Max was a thing that he had a kid.

She looks fine in this trailer/preview. Hell almost like a buffer, older Ellie even. Dunno what's up with that other image that's circulating since I haven't watched the leaks.

ITT we guess Naughty Dog's next hit franchise now TLOU is dead.

>Tranny Poz my Dick Off 3: Agender Empire Strikes Back
>Rainbow Acceptance Child Drag Queen Simulator
>Destroy all Dicks 2: Rectum Pharaoh Returns
>HIV+ Tag Tournament (Featuring Crash Bandicoot)
>Super Equality Rumble
>HRT Valley (Translated from Hebrew)
>DOOM: Piss Earth (with collectable Funko Pop depicting iconic ‘Gloryhole Kill ‘QTE from the game!)

This la creatura will murder Joel and Ellie
Here, just saved you 60$ and a few hours of your life.

The character was unironically modelled after a female bodybuilder. A roided up female bodybuilder physique... during the apocalypse.

I find it odd that the tranny is literally wearing Nathan Drake’s shirt from Uncharted 3 while’s roid raging on Joel

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>Who is the best Disney character and why is it Goofy?
He's just genuine, he tries his best most of the time but doesn't succeed. In the old cartoons he was also your average joe just trying to survive in an everchanging world.

Yikes, la creatura aka tranny mctranny trann is posted again...this is major cringe. dilate dilate dilate

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>looks fine
get glasses, faggot
if you already have some, GET THICKER GLASSES

im so happy this is our new tortanic and it couldnt happen to a more deserving studio headed by poz kike master

My powerlifter gf getting ready to play bop it with my cock and balls

Boy, I hope (((she))) kills Joel for his toxic masculinity and teaches us all a lesson about the futility of seeking revenge! Thanks Naughty Dog!

Goofy has personality and isnt some tasteless mascot like Mickey or Mario.

This is definitely something I find questionable about the character. How can you maintain that gain in the setting. Total bullshit.

That's not Scrooge you pleb

>here's your protagonist bro that'll be $60
yeah BUT FALSE ADVERTISING IS ILLEGAL. is this why Sony rushed the release date after the leaks?

making amy hennig depart was a huge mistake on naughty dog's part
amy hennig is an angel with exceptional writing ability, and they are getting an appropriate karmic foot up the ass for their transgression

>property owned by bethesda
>doom eternal marketed towards zoomers
>being turned into some LBGT game developed by naughty dog

doom eternal is lgbt colorful redditor wonderland for dickless buzzfeed liberals tho

no, it's nothing to do with lgbt
it's a color redditor game for zoomers, but it has nothing to do with liberals
>>Yas Forums

blow your brains out

t-thanks, any cool s-skins?

Literal 5 years old

What does it have to do with lgbt and liberals? It’s just a redditor version of DOOM. Look at the DOOT skin. Just because there’s one unicorn skin doesn’t mean LGBT. It just means “WACKY ZANY QUIRKY TUMBLR” humor.

The west deserve coronavirus

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good slave consumes reddit soi feed at pace
upvote yes yum taste good

Watching Yas Forums seethe over this tranny is hilarious

Attached: Joel was a good guy.png (2000x1600, 1.55M)

no competition

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the tranny mods are seething so hard over this half of Yas Forums cant post images anymore lmao

I miss Nate so much, bros. Why did Naughty Dog have to abandon him in favor of libshit woke propaganda?

>tfw we'll never have actionkino with Nate again
This fucking sucks.

dont let Yas Forums know or they'll end the show

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>ITT we guess Naughty Dog's next hit franchise now TLOU is dead.
"I haven't seen the whole story,but somehow I know it terrible"


But I already got Death Stranding.

I always wanted to play Manhunt 3.

>expecting numale writers to understanding the logistics of maintaining gainz

Jesus my english is regressing

as much as i dislike 2016 and eternal, you can fuck right off retarded kid

Get off of 4chinz then.


you write like a redditor cuck

>haha guise, le maymays
hardware stores are still open, go buy that rope.
you know what to do.

literally looks like a dude’s body with a girl’s head shopped on

aww little redditor mad the mean Yas Forums poltard insulted his favorite colorful doom for castrated liberal redditors?


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>next hit franchise
oh you naive child, they don’t create anything anymore, that requires talent and all the talent left. They will drive already established franchises into the ground until they go out of business or get bought

Strong chance that's not a female and just a tranny.

>Yeah she killed your favorite character bro
>And she's going to try to kill your other favorite character
>But come on, she saved a bunch of children. How could you possibly say she's the villain?

Attached: thinkofthechildren.png (443x1193, 559.77K)

Not my $60

>strong female characters have to look like men
Explain wojackfag.

she’s just a dude with a wig