>playing as the character that killed one of the two previous protagonists
What the fuck is media in 2020?
Why do they hate the fucking fans?
>playing as the character that killed one of the two previous protagonists
What the fuck is media in 2020?
Why do they hate the fucking fans?
I think it's pretty kino actually.
Well, he got a reaction out of you, you've got ta give him that! Ye gave him exactly what he wanted, ye played right intae his hands
Try not self inserting too much you fucking retard
>experiencing empathy and forming a bond with a character within a story-driven game
Woah, you got me.
Is that some proto-still game?
>caring about shitty interactive movies
Did you like it when Trevor kill Johnny in gtav?
>haha golf club go BRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTT
kike saturation has reached critical levels
I like the idea.
Nobody gave a fuck. This Last of us 2 shit is /vpol/ bitching.
of course it is. It is a great concept and with a good story it will be 10/10 gamekino unironically.
go dial8 and have sex incel tranny
Hehehehff funni postt mmmhehehe he sehsd they heeeck word hehrgrgf
He got the reaction before the money rolled in, that wasn't part of the plan.
they're signalling to their peers in the industry by shitting on the audience since the industry is full of self-hating nerds and diversity initiative imposters. same reason GoT season 8 shat on the fans, it was a boon to the writer's job application for hollywood.
>enjoying movies
>enjoying games with large amount of cutscenes and story
Not ok.
I didn't really care to be honest. Maybe if he killed Nico, I'd be pissed.
It worked with Negan. But it also helps he's the most charismatic character on the show.
This. It’s just one never-ending temper tantrum with these autistic faggots that just rolls from one game to the next.
It also helps that the characters he killed weren't that interesting to begin with.
Yeah but you didn't expect it! Your expectations were subverted! This is good writing!
imagine not self-inserting in video games lmao get fucked loser
stop making disgusting shock value degenerate media when we just want to shoot zombies. No one wants to see young women getting beaten to death except for sick fucks
you already hated them so what's the problem
>caring for dlc characters
ITT we guess Naughty Dog's next hit franchise now TLOU is dead.
>Tranny Poz my Dick Off 3: Agender Empire Strikes Back
>Rainbow Acceptance Child Drag Queen Simulator
>Destroy all Dicks 2: Rectum Pharaoh Returns
>HIV+ Tag Tournament (Featuring Crash Bandicoot)
>Super Equality Rumble
>HRT Valley (Translated from Hebrew)
>DOOM: Piss Earth (with collectable Funko Pop depicting iconic ‘Gloryhole Kill ‘QTE from the game)
>we just want to shoot zombies
>let's pretend the last of us is just about shooting zombies
Back in 2001 it was considering shocking that you didn't play as Snake, but instead as a random new character who believed in the legend of Snake. Now, the Raiden's of the world are being forced to murder the legend as part of some bizarre post-modernist idea.
Subverting expectations can be a good storytelling tool if done right. Whether this game does it right I don’t known, but I do know that a bunch of autistic people are going to be the WORST judges of that, given that they fly into unhinged sperg rage when anything doesn’t go the way they thought it would. So the one-two-punch of FFVIIR and TLOU2 really did a number on these fags.
Are you implying Joel is an interesting character?
Thought OP was talking about Metal Gear for a sec.
Except this time it's the entire internet throwing a tantrum. Go ahead and check Druckmann's twitter everyone's calling him a hack.
It's funny seeing v lose their shit over a tranny curb stomping their precious mary sue. Get a grip morons, TLOU sucked to begin with.
I'm pretty happy about it. tlou sucked ass and the fans were obnoxious twats so it's funny to me
>Super Ma'amio Siblings
It's just a revenge story from someone else's point of view. Do gamers read anything besides song of shit and piss?
what if i don't want to? sex is not everything in life is sex you incel, don't proyect on me
Golly, my expectations really are subverted! The characters that I was invested in are fucked over unceremoniously while I am forced to sympathise with someone I don't give a fuck about! What brave storytelling!
I’ll admit that this is a rare case where the sperg rage seems to have been contagious enough for some normies to catch it too, but even scrolling through twitter it’s pretty clear the type of person who’s raging.
Autists. It’s autists.
To be fair, FFVIIR was advertised and talked about as a faithful remake for YEARS. Not finding out it is actually a sequel until it was released sounds a lot like false advertising, especially since people choosing it as their first FFVII as well as people who only played FFVII and none of the spinoffs will be very confused at what's happening.
Long story short people who bought it early or preordered it... Yeah, their expectations were subverted, but in the same way your expectations would be subverted if you bought a guitar and opened the box to find a bass. Yes, it's still a guitar, but the seller left out key information.
It happened in Dark Souls.
He's more interesting than Ellie.
Negan killed one out of a whole group.
She kills one of the two main characters.
I preordered. I played FFVII 20 years ago. My expectations were subverted and I loved it. The fact that the big twist in the game is that it’s actually a sequel made the whole thing much more interesting to me, because it was well executed and a great game and my autism isn’t so severe that unexpected shit sends me into a raging hysterical tantrum.
If he killed Tommy, Nico or CJ, I'd be pissed. Doesn't mean it sat well with me, though.
It's fucking weird how real life people have a dick measuring contest using their stories and kill off each others' characters out of spite
does anyone think that's really really fucking weird
This piece of trash ruined popular media for at least a decade because now everyone wants to """subvert expectations"""
>make moviegame that only applies to plebs
>make plot that plebs physically can't handle
Is Druckman...dare I say it...
God she was amazing, shame she hit the wall already.
That's fine, not everyone is going to respond to it the same way. But to say it's not an egregious and legally questionable way to sell the game is to be disingenuous.
>finally continue the story in canon after so many years
>kill Han
>kill Luke
>kill Leia
>don't give Luke screentime with the droids
>don't give Chewie signfificant screentime with any of the original characters
>have the main villain lose every single fight
>have the back-up villain retroactively ruin the original trilogy
This is another level of shit, though.
hello twitter
Basically just mad they didn't fanservice, same as TLOU backlash. This board is shit.
this but unironically.
>Except this time it's the entire internet throwing a tantrum.
all i see is retards whining for exactly the same reason as Yas Forumsacks do. They are Yas Forumsacks that don't visit Yas Forums.
I can understand your point. I think it was a risk on SE’s part that paid off, given the overall reception to the game. And I also don’t think it’s completely dishonest to call it a Remake, since the majority of the game IS a very faithful, albeit expanded, recreation of the original.