Why do good games not exist anymore?

Why do good games not exist anymore?

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So you play every single game that comes out to confirm this?

capitalism, ho

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no i don't play games its all AAA shit or tranny indies

life is getting really hard huh

path o' logic 2

games are made for the broader audience who have an attention span of 5 seconds
back then, developers where also gamers

Kill yourself and all problems will end.

how do you know they're shit if you haven't played them

>Kill yourself and all problems will end.
does this really work

Because Yas Forums has brainwashed you into thinking they're all bad. Get out of here and never come back, you'll recover.

No more good devs.

I just had fun with Animal Crossing, P5R and now I'm enjoying the FF7 Remake.
Being a joyless fuck doesn't actually make you cool

3 words: Big. Bang. Theory.

What do you mean 'good games dont exist anymore?'

The good games of years past haven't gone anywhere. They still exist fine.

The only people that say this shit either only look up triple A games or has terrible taste to begin with. Prove me wrong.

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I guarantee you 95% of the games Yas Forums calls bad are actually fine, or even amazing games. Popular=bad is the norm here and you're retarded to follow it

>good games of years past
no such things

My friend tried it and I asked if he's doing better, but he never responded.

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>built new pc
>old one way 10 years old
>finally get to play the games i missed
>spent a whole month playing non stop even stopped coming to Yas Forums
>back at Yas Forums with nothing to play
>every newer games bores me a few hours into it

>not exist anymore
Diablo 2 exists just fine, you awful feelsguy poster.

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So you played every game that's released over the past couple of years?

It's not the games that have changed, it's you that's changed

>not a single good game mentioned in the whole thread
Looks like op was right.

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Buggy and fun

>Someone makes a list of a dozen generally praised games
>Someone replies to each simply with "shit"
That's why no one does it


because you're a consolenig that's only accustomed to AAA trite

>t. filtered


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either that or they pull out one or two downsides as if the game is rendered unplayable because of those