Clear all the enemies in the area

>clear all the enemies in the area
>level up
>move on to the next place and find bonfire
>rinse and repeat

this gameplay loop sucks and you know it

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uh you're supposed to run past the enemies straight to the boss, sweaty

by that logic every games loop sucks lmao. what kinda fucking hot take is this?

>Wake up
>Do stuff
>Do some other stuff
>Go to bed
Life sucks and you know it.

>launch videogame
>play through it
>game ends
this practice fucking sucks and you know it.

>place blocks
>build upwards
>clear lines
>rinse and repeat

this gameplay loop sucks and you know it

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You’re right though.
EDIT: Thanks for the reddit gold!

this is basically every game ever made.

>level up
aren't you supposed to never level up and do a level 1 run?

most games have other optional things besides "roll and hit R1/R2" mate

>guys look at me guys i can deconstruct games so i sound nihilistic and cool guys

other games have more variety in gameplay, this junk has nothing else besides killing, nothing

>sl1 run
>everything is the same except you now how to hit the bosses more
yeah that's fun, especially against midir

>yeah that's fun, especially against midir
just poison midir, no int required

the games get boring after a while
I only do sl1 no hit run now if I play any of them
Still have to the dlc of BB tho

>interface with input device
>software interprets inputs

this gameplay loop sucks and you know it

You're right; what Dark Souls needed was a hacking minigame.

>normies postin' on Yas Forums

>Dark Souls doesn't have a fishing mode
wtf this game sucks like holy shit

Go back to your video essays fag

Witcher series is much better

your normie is showing, normie

>series has horrible controls
>still has forced platforming sections in every game

Doing one thing really well is better than everything being meh.

It's like Mario where the movement and level design alone is what makes it great which is why 64 and Galaxy are still better than sunshine despite the lack of options.
Dark Souls is all about combat and level design not shallow options.

It's actually why I stopped playing. I would like this game more if I had the satisfaction of clearing out an area and the enemies stayed dead.

but its combat is very simple and hardly engaging. i'd say bloodborne's is better in that regard.

are you new to videogames? genuine question

Light attack, Heavy attack, two handed, one handed, roll, parry, backstab, magic, archery, elemental damage. Because there is no flashy combos doesn't mean the game lacks complexity, it's all about timing and positioning.

Yeah I love skinning baboons and scaling radio towers too.

Literally every game has that.
Dark souls isn't complex user. Its simplicity is its charm.

but it;s not engaging in other games whether it's a balancing issue or the weight of the combat other games lack it's nuance