Is CSGO for literal brainlets that need instant gratification?

Is CSGO for literal brainlets that need instant gratification?

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No, that would be R6S

>instant gratification
In what universe? Getting to average skill will take you hundreds of hours

>rounds are two minutes long
>no breaks whatsoever
>fast paced shit

>full match takes an average of 45 minutes and is up to 90 minutes of you getting your asshole pushed in by players that have been at the game longer than you've been alive, let alone shitposting
Unless you're a masochist, Counter-Strike isn't instant gratification.

literally the fortnite of competitive games lol

Fortnite is the fortnite of competitive games, you fucking smoothbrain.

instant gratification would be a game like COD where absolutely anyone can score a lot of kills because of the maps and gamemodes design
counter strike is absolutely not an instant gratification game, short rounds and being "fast paced" have nothing to do with it
also you can call a time out during the match

I agree that CSGO is casual trash but I'm not sure I agree it's for people with a need for instant gratification. It's certainly for people who can't play solo competitive games like arena shooters and need their team as a crutch, and it's certainly for people who can't cope with non-RNG arena shooters like quake etc and need RNG (pistol RNG determines 6 rounds out of any game, deal with it). But instant graitification? not so sure about that

>>no breaks whatsoever
I mean why the fuck would you even have forced breaks?

>look at me guys, I pretend I played Quake even though I'm very obviously not old enough, am I cool yet
We get it, nerd

It's simple, no gimmicks. Therefor your strategy, mindgames and aim are more important than in other games..

Bait thread and im a retard for falling for it. but it has to be said: if you don't enjoy playing CS or rainbow six siege competetively you are low testosterone. These are competetive FPS games made for real men who strive to get better and defeat other men. now go play your singleplayer or japanese basedgame lol pathetic incel

okay kid I've never played quake but it's obviously way better than csgo

>real games for real men
real men dont play video games lol

>one is the most played competitive FPS game of all time and has been for years, even before it went F2P
>the other is from a genre that died over a decade ago because it was shit
Really gets the ol noggin joggin

Real men can enjoy video games no matter what other people think of it. What is your definition of a real man?

CS is in the top 5 best fps games

Then why argue with me you limpdick lmao

care to explain how so?

I'm not the user you originally replied to. I'm just saying real man are able to enjoy video games.

>real men
>arguing on a taiwanese anti-ccp forum

>Bait thread and im a retard for falling for it. but it has to be said: if you don't enjoy playing CS or rainbow six siege competetively you are low testosterone. These are competetive FPS games made for real men who strive to get better and defeat other men. now go play your singleplayer or japanese basedgame lol pathetic incel

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>Memorize which corners to peek
>Memorize spray patterns

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Well I never said I'm a real man you dipshit. And arccording to what you said, neither are you.


>shoot a sniper properly

>memorize spawn points and drops
Keep pretending you played quake tho. There's a reason Fatal1ty and others tried to move into CS and got absolutely fucking ruined. Last I saw Fatal1ty is still in the MG range.

>Memorize CS spawn points
>nvm, there's only 2
>Fatal1ty didn't maintain #1 throughout Quake's short-lived esports dominance, but his ability to adjust to stop-and-shoot campgrounds must mean something

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>giving a fuck about competitive people
holy onions

He's not the only arena FPS pro that tried to move into CS after arena FPS inevitably died but I'm glad you cherry-picked the argument just to prove you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

>high end skill group not translating to another FPS game isn't indicative of skill ceilings