
>Semi-Auto Rifle
Nothing else matters.

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Cringe and overpowered
For incels who can't administrate ammo
>Semi-Auto Rifle
Distance combat? Are you afraid?

>buzzwords: the post
Fuck off kid

The striker is such an ugly gun though

You unironically just need the blacktail. I just keep the handgun and shotgun stock until I get to the castle, which is the very first time you can buy the blacktail. Pump all your gold into blacktail and buy the semi-auto rifle.

You now have your endgame equipment.

>For incels who can't administrate ammo
There's no reason to use the normal shotgun after the striker is available.

more like
>OG shotgun
>semi-auto rifle
>killer 7

Punisher is underrated

>Silver Ghost
>Riot Shotgun
>Mine Thrower
The holly chad trinity.

Hip aiming is for incels

one day the smg will get the respect it deserves

It already does, which is none.

>Fuck off kid
Says the guy playing with the baby mode red 9.
Chad Handgun with silencer is where it's at.

I always take the 2nd shotgun and one of the modern pistols for style points. Even on the hardest difficulty, there's no need for the best weapons in this game.

I hope it doesn't these losers can keep fighting about their shitmeme red9s and cringe strikers. Don't drag my girl into this.

Handgun, first shotgun, first sniper, broken butterfly is the weapon selection of the chad.

>no real arguments, just memes
Ok kid

I used to always use the Blacktail but more recently I've just been keeping the Punisher.

>not using Red9 only

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>Resident Evil
Go back where you came from, please.

Anybody else have an irrational hatred for the Red9? Goddamn, i hate the way it looks, sounds.... Blacktail all day.

LMFAO. Cope harder, boomer.

>using OP guns
You’re small time

Is it because Luis uses it and you hate minorities

Striker is for running at lightning speed actually

Bolt action best. You have to love it

There were empires much before byproducts of english immigration came to exist (you)

Spaniards are not a minority you filthy swine

No reason to use it ever over the semi-auto except it's available first.

Chill out spic

I am a Serb, actually

>get Punisher with upgrade for FREE from merchant
>sell it back to him for a bunch of money immediately
To be real I like that the handguns can have roles despite being upgrades. Of course the Blacktail has the best DPS as the final handgun, but maybe you don't give a shit about that, maybe you want the best damage-per-bullet (Red9), penetration (Punisher), or you just like crazy critical headshot rate (Handgun). The critrate is really funny to play the game with, try it sometime.

God I love using that piece of shit. Its endgame upgrade is a lot of damage anyway.

bb and tmp.

Punisher is pretty based once it's fully upgraded and makes the coolest sound when fired.

You mean
>Broken Butterfly

Why do you need more?

What the fuck does TMP stand for anyway? I assume it's something machine pistol?

silener in campaign?

Are there any other games that have an upgrade system like 4 where there are multiple guns of the same type and have different upgrades for each? Preferably a shooter. Also not 5 or dead space.
Can use the cheat engine to get it works perfectly in the campaign with the sounds.

>max out the mine launcher, get homing ability
>NG+, carry it as only ammo-using weapon so drops are weighted towards it better
>reach the castle catapult section again
>shoot it up into the sky
>dart veers down over obstacles and starts blowing people the fuck up before any cutscenes even happen
The one and only use of this weapon, but it's fucking hilarious

Not any that come to mind. RE4's weapon upgrade system is so satisfying that it's shocking that every game did't immediately copy it.

With mods

Ashley wall chain section

automatic weapons? in MY SURVIVAL HORROR FRANCHISE?!

>forest nigger
Ok bro

Sucks the the chicago typewrite is a one shot kill. Would have prefered it being like the tmp, upgradeable but not op.

The horror of having no identity - The post

I like how later guns are generally better but do not fully outclass early guns at everything. It's a good progression. One upgrade comparison I wasn't satisfied with was the 1st shotgun vs the 2nd shotgun. Tighter spread and damage are a reason to pick their style over Striker, the generally better option, but between the first two shotguns, the assault shotgun is just a better version of it.

>he uses the Red9 with a stock

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Here's hoping it'll be finished in half a year.

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Typewriter vs doors, props and shields was pretty satisfying though. It's a fuck-everything gun.

For sure. It's amazing how well balanced the weapons are. You can finish the whole game with just the starter stuff and you'll be fine.