How do I stop getting mad at FFXIV threads and posters...

How do I stop getting mad at FFXIV threads and posters? I try not to get mad but there's something about them that pisses me off.

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Take it easy!

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I expect to fight corrupted Yorha units.

Perhaps you need some rest.

Fuck man, all this posters are either
I can't take going on XIV threads anymore. I can't even login anymore after reading the dumb shit in novice network/shout/FC. The sad thing is I'd rather that than the empty void of no chat.

i think you're taking yourself too seriously
and you also need to stop being a hateful bigot

nice bait

Just play the game and don't bother with the threads. They've been shit for years.

>I can't even login anymore after reading the dumb shit in novice network/shout/FC
Why would you ever join novice network? All mentors are people who think they know how to play the game but don't and give really shitty advice that is more detrimental than it is helpful, especially in the long run. They set new, dumb players up for failure without even realizing it. As far as shout goes, I don't know what server you're in where you even see that many shouts to discourage you but it's usually people trying to recruit for circlejerk FCs that are "tolerant" up until it's someone they don't agree with joins. With FC chat, did you join some huge FC? Usually, the bigger the FC the higher the chance of a large portion are shit at the game and/or the sense of community is completely gone.

Subscribe to FFXIV

Easy, you kill yourself because you're obviously mad at yourself for making this thread in the first place.

i'll just play the free trial first before subscribing. get all jobs to 35 to give it a chance since i don't want to keep buying games while in lockdown. which of the free trial races has the biggest boobs though?

i dont know how you can mod your game and somehow make it look even uglier and harder to look at


If I hear another LA HEEE while hunting I swear to god. It's like reading a reddit comment thread with how many times they try to one up each other.

Man I'm just disappointed in myself because this is probably my only social network right now because I usually talk to my friends IRL and not online. Living with some sort of talking to other people makes me somewhat okay.

rent free

roe it is, shame that i can't be a sexy bunny for free though

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There's a free fantasia you can use to switch to bunny after you complete A Realm Reborns base storyline.

This doesn't really happen in other games but everytime I see someone chat in game or whenever someone talks about FFXIV, they always say something that ticks me off.

They're lalafells irl

i'm not fancy on this design of the viera red mage

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pretty much this. If you complete the ARR story, you get a Fantasia potion for free, just hold on to that and use it whenever you get viera or whatever else: but if you do a MSQ skip, you won't get it

back in school I had a crush on a girl with a face like this but she was too fat and I was ashamed of asking her out because of that. No one woudl date fat girls back in school.

What you do is simple: beat them at their own game. Waste their time
>Queue up for levelling roulette
>Tank in need so I queue up as tank
>Get some shitty low level dungeon with 3 sprouts that probably spent 30 minutes in queue
>Instantly leave the dungeon before they even finish watching the intro cutscene

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>MSQ skip
if that means skipping content i probably won't skip stuff, since i need something to take up my time that won't cost me money. i read somewhere else that if i buy and sub i should get the complete edition since that seems cheaper than ARR+shadowbringers. might see about having my friends try as well since i've never really played an MMO before

You! Stop being a dick to sprouts!

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drink bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you fucking failed abortion

>mute Shout
>play on Mateus
Fixed your problems.

I really wanted to make money but I don't want to level all my crafters and gatherers to max lvl. What should I do? I can't even level all my battle classes to 80.

I just cant stand dungeons below level 45

Crafting for profitable amounts gil is for turboautists who don't actually like playing the game.

I play on both Aether and Primal.
Aether are twitch meme heavy in NINTENDOOOOO hoes

Primal are legit homos.

The only cure for autism is death user.

How many Gb?

Then stay the fuck out of the Daily Leveling queue. There's plenty of other roulettes and tasks to get XP.


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I made 50 mil doing nothing but mining. You'll have to dedicate a bit of time to farming most recent aethersand or paying attention to what 2-3 ores are selling every week, but it's easy enough to do as you wait for queues or party finder. Doing all your dailies nets you a good amount of gil as well.

And Mateus is on Crystal, so ...

i need masks for my mask fetish. post good masks

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It's a gamble im willing to take. Sorry I dont want to run satasha again.

Of course you're playing Dark Knight. What a joke of a tank.

Sprouts are always wowniggers who are way too fucking slow, mongoloids outright refuse to use their abilities out of some dumb principle or zoomers who have been tricked into thinking playing the game for its EPIC ENDGAME and are trying to rush through the story as fast as possible
I hate them all

Go queue up for mentor roulette if you want to carry retards

Be patient; we're slow.

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>treats daily leveling as anything but supporting new players first timing dungeons
What the hell are you doing, familam?

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Have fun with the game man

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I'm playing the game, of course. The sprouts are ruining my fun which is a direct violation of the Terms of Service they agreed to abide when they signed up for the game. They should be lucky that I let them off with a prolonged queue time.

I've had maybe one bad encounter and it was during a dungeon with someone from Balmung, i'm on Diabolos
>Tanking through dungeon pulling silly amounts because it's fun
>Get to boss
>Accidentally wipe because new dungeon
>DRG starts complaining about me not knowing the mechanic despite it being new
>Tell him to eat shit and finish the boss on the next round
>Need the minion that came up and yeet out with my BLM gf after we win it

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seconding this question

if i'm just starting which server should i join?

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>get satasha
>check everyone's levels
>everyone's 60+
Can it just fucking not

Go for a primal server.

first priority: if you have a buddy who plays, play on his server

if not, pick one that has a star next to it; it gives you a exp bonus, some tokens you can trade in for some leveling gear and some bonus playtime and gil when you hit level 30

Fuck off back to /vg/, cancer.