New Vegas

>try to force myself to do an NCR play through
>remember that I hate NCR and never finish
It's difficult being smart.

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youre prolly smart as a mutant but yes the ncr is trash just like mr house

Can't you even do it for her?

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It's the only option that makes actual unironic sense.
Never did an NCR playthrough either though.

>just like mr house

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Her NCR is dead tho amd current NCR is a dead corpse pulled on strings

NCR is the best path, though. The only thing wrong with it is that when you work for Moore you aren't getting paid as a mercenary anymore like you were with Crocker.

>NCR is the best path, though
They're a degenerate liberal society run by brahmin barrons. Their ideology literally ended the world.

>you can be a sugar daddie's little princess and live in luxury
>you can be a warlord and raze the land with your Legionnaire bros while having fun with a lol evil playthrough
>you can be a mastermind that takes over the entirety of Nevada
>or you can be a wageslave

Why would you ever pick NCR when the other three options are so much better?

>*turns the Mojave into the greatest place in the Wasteland in ur path*

cope harder faggot, mt house is peak redditor fedora tier

>>you can be a warlord
Nope, you're a bald retard's or a tribal retard's punk.

>cope harder faggot, mt house is peak redditor fedora tier

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Being a citizen of the Legion cucks you far more than NCR, though.

theyre citizens not slaves

>be citizen in Legion land
>Vulpes turns up
>Give us your wife and your daughters to become broodmare slaves, and all of your crops

What are you basing this judgement on?

>tfw no anatomy fetishist gf

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now that's better

wives are the husband property so wouldnt happend unless you gave her away

i wish 4 had the kind of unarmed options NV has.
76 apparently has more fist weapons but using those requires playing 76 so thats out of the question

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rebuilds society based on a model proven to fail, this is as stupid as people who unironically support communism irl
fedora-tipping idealist despot disconnected from reality with delusions of grandeur that grossly outmatch his actual capabilities. Supporting him is just prolonging his inevitable fall and risking pointless catastrophe through wasteful misuse of old world tech. At best this is just NCR but worse.
take what you earn and let nature take its course, use your own legacy as a guiding mark on history.
Rebuild society based on a model that's far enough removed from the old world that you hope society has a chance to learn from the mistakes of the past, but risk introducing new ones. The same as tyrant but you're trusting Caeser's vision over your own.

Caeser or tyrant are the only legitimate options.

>Choosing anything other than independent

>fedora-tipping idealist despot
Buzzwords aren't arguments.
>disconnected from reality with delusions of grandeur that grossly outmatch his actual capabilities.
He built the computer on every protagonist's arm.
>At best this is just NCR but worse.
You're delusional.

>can't form a New Legion with Joshua Graham to bring righteousness to the godless wastes

just get project nevada and grab an anti material rifle and the desert ranger gear. then use the thermal optics in the helmet and dome any savage in sight.

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I already do that but with T-51b or Randall's armor.

Caesar is just NCR but with extra steps in the end, people will eventually abandon the old ways (as they have in real life) and start inventing technology. Also slaves are pretty fucking yikes

>not playing as moral ambiguity courier and just giving a shit as long you get paid.
I'm mostly stick with the NCR because they can pay but I never like the "chosen" ending. I just did the whole endquest once.

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wild card or bust

I can't stop playing as a merc in RPGs because it always gives me a reason to pry on everyone's business

I just have a hard time choosing anyone but House because none of them are competent or have a chance at lasting.

>delusions of grandeur
nigga they aren't delusions

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For a few dollars more was such a good movie fuck