>"I think the world [of The Last of Us] is ripe for more stories, but as far as the journey Joel and Ellie goes on it ends with this game," Creative Director Neil Druckmann said.
What did he mean by this?
>"I think the world [of The Last of Us] is ripe for more stories, but as far as the journey Joel and Ellie goes on it ends with this game," Creative Director Neil Druckmann said.
What did he mean by this?
he means his viewpoint changed since he wanted to bank purely on brand recognition.
could have just had a seperate story about some angry girl with a very chad-looking bodytype and just drop little hints about joel or ellie instead of having some fucking snuff film about either character shoehorned in for no reason
Since we know Ellie and Joel die, he wanted the emotional discussion on the people who liked those characters. So the people could talk about how sad it is and shit. Very low level writer
How many more jews pushing socjus nonsense do you need in the industry before you notice a pattern and admit Yas Forums was right?
which failed because abby is not a character i could ever sympathize with ever. i cannot fathom any context that would cause her to say "good" when being informed the woman whose neck she's about to slit is also pregnant. its too abjectly evil.
How can it be "The Last of Us" of they keep on introducing more and more characters? Please, look up "last" in a dictionary.
you always seem to have a nearly infinite amount of raiders to shoot in this "end of humanity" apocalypse games
no it's just a coincide
it means he is a kike and can’t write stories for shit
Ellie doesn't die, and with the upcoming shitstorm, she'll probably be the main character of tlou 3 if it happens.
I mean a secret switcheroo halfway through an awaited sequel is one thing, but I can't imagine they could market a third episode with Abby as the mc.
Do they think this is fucking star wars?
This is a generic zombie game and it was only popular because of Joel and Ellie
We'll all be hyper muttified, bug eating, dickless trannies toiling under our jewish overlords for a dopamine hit from the chips in our brains long before anyone on this site even suggest Yas Forums may have been somewhat right about anything.
>long before any one of the fags on this site
>sequel baits ellie to come back as a villiain
No more white men portrayed in a positive light.
Damn those white supremacists and their objectivity and individualism!
How do you develop a character who is just an angry killer? You can’t
>fear of open conflict
Nigga, I'm not the one creating safe spaces.
In all honesty if think the trannys are aware and don't care, they would burn society to the ground to get what they want. I've noticed a strong link between trannies and extreme selfishness.
So this is your brain on leftism
Sure you can.
I'd love to know the context of this shit, how the fuck is sense of urgency a "white" thing?
Survival is based on urgency, how is that a white people thing?
When was Yas Forums ever wrong?
>the 41% of us
>the estrogen in us
>the last of the hormones
>the last transition
>quantity over quality
I think she got that backwards
That’s not really developing the character when the character still kills gods, is it... sure being more mature and being dad is enough of a character development, I guess....
half of these are good and the other half is just these kikes projecting
The setting is extremely shallow and they shoved the one thing actually setting it apart from shit like The Road or Children of Men right to the side.
>they needed to tell
>important for a lot of people
Why do I always see this type of language coming from the left? They never want to tell just a simple story, but rather they need to tell an important piece of literature that will be heralded as a pillar of society for years to come. This is just silly. I find it hard to believe anyone overrates their importance that much.
in this case, i'm pretty sure its holding up non-objective ideas as objective and framing a narrative around why its "objective" even though its wrong.
Yas Forumsfags like to pretend they're being objective when its really just dumb shit. but because they convince themselves its just "objective facts" they feel they have a sense of validity behind their argument when its really nonsense.
For example a lot of times you'll get things like this
>Yas Forumsfag posts a meme statistic
>someone asks for source
>he posts some unreliable unscientific study found on an obviously biased website
>hey that's obviously an invalid study and doesn't mean anything. the sample size was literally 10 people.
and yes 9/10 times its trolling, but the 1/10 are actually retards who believe it.
This. TLOU is barely a step above TWD.
This is the end of her journey. She dies in this game or in dlc.
Mind control
>Everything is owned by them and everything is disgusting, anti-religious, and immoral now.
This dude is so obnoxious.
No, TWD has Chads like Rick, Daryl, and Negan. TLOU only has Chadby. 3 Chads are better than one.
>last hope for humanity and her guardian die
Is there actually a rapist tranny in TLoU2 or were people making a sick meme?
Dude, the article is from 2013. This is about druckmann being a fucking cuck, who decided to include them despite saying he wouldn't.
It's just failed journalists huffing the farts of failed movie directors because they managed to make a game with good voice acting and a story about as good as a prime time TV series. There's a reason you get laughed out of the conversation if you try and bring up video games as art compared to film and literature.
>Is there actually a rapist tranny
No. Tranny just wants to kill Ellie after killing Joel.
It means that "they" are really salty that this game about how a grieving white man protects and looks after a troubled young white daughter surrogate in the hardest of times and triumphs in the end, a rather wholesome and pleasing oasis in a sea of shit game narratives, doesn't fit the politics of 2020 and fuck white men.
Yes, this (should've) been a good thing.
If you're not gonna make a new IP and instead do a sequel, at least make the sequel with new characters, new story, etc.
But instead they've decided to also include Joel and Ellie, and then kill them, just to piss off both halves.
This is a classic case of Optimus Priming your series.
Neil believes that TLoU is popular for its brand. Its name, setting, gameplay and all that. What he doesn't realize is that it's only popular for the CHARACTERS. Joel and Ellie was too iconic and beloved to just cast aside. What he's doing is making the same mistake Hasbro made when they killed off Optimus in the Transformers movie.
Hasbro believed that the strength of Transformers rested on the brand's broad appeal, and had no greater thoughts about any individual character - to them, Optimus was just one more toy, and they never realized how strongly he'd impacted the children who played with his toys and watched him in the television show.
This will be a tremendous backlash the likes of which Naughty Dog has never even imagined, and Neil will not take it well. Expect some nasty twitter meltdowns in the coming months.
They don't actually kill Ellie. They kill Joel and the game ends with a cliffhanger of Ellie going out to huntdown Macho Ma'am and her asian twink.
There's also a serious problem with this game's narrative - that the world hasn't ended in the intervening years means that Joel was RIGHT to murder the doctors and save Ellie. Not only would they not have found a cure, it didn't even fucking matter if they did.
im not even white and i fucking hate hearing about white people talking about how other white people are horrible meanwhile those same white people don't do anything worthwhile to actually help anyone and i swear to god a large majority of this is always white women
the last of test
Apparently Abbey is supposed to be female. I don't buy it either, but the model is just a super ripped woman and I can't see them making the first tranny they show in the series the one who murders the beloved protagonist.
The complete non presence of zombies seems to suggest exactly that, yes.
Is pic related objective, user?