Comfy Animal Crossing

Make any cool discoveries, anons? Post turnips and codes and talk about some dang animals.

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Other urls found in this thread:

maggie's moving out today, could post a dodo if anyone wants her but just thought i should ask

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Last thread almost died... If my internet is bad and I visit someone's island, does the game become slow like Mario Maker, or just with desync problems like Mario Kart?

Guys i think my Peanut is broken. She always talks about singing but is never the one to sing.

dude mine too, literally everyone has sang except her what the hell

>fell for the natural town meme and spaced my houses across entire island
>everywhere now feels hollow and completely lacking the tight neighborhood aesthetic

Daily reminder that there's nothing wrong with commie blocks

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Read that as animal cross dressing

Neighbourhoods are fine if you space the houses out a bit. Commieblocks are where you just cram the houses as close together as possible with no room between them to let them be individually distinct.

Anyone have any good villagers moving out? I have an empty plot right now.

That sounds like what a commieblock fag would say when realizing they have a 95% of their island empty.

My Peanut is making all my other villagers dissapear and now she's following my character with an axe I need h

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What are you talking about? I keep my town super spread out but it still feels small

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Does anyone want Kyle?
He's in boxes.

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>king of the castle isolated in the cliffs

opinion discarded

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>100 clams
>Still no tuna
What the fuck bros

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I like the neighborhood look too, but when you visit user's island with the marina flag, then you'll see what a real island looks like.

post town

Why do people want the Royal Crown so much? I have one in my shop today.

post map

Made a list of items I am looking to catalog. For the few items in here that you can't catalog/the DIY recipes I'd be cool with buying them unless they are stupid expensive.

Who should I get rid of, Bunnie or Bianca? I don't need 2 peppies

>Bunnie is an amiibo so I can get her again easily
>Bianca was an early villager with a shitty default room


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i wasted so much. didnt try again until it was raining and then i got it without bait. try doing some mystery islands and hope to get one with rain

it's a status symbol

I caught 8 Blue Marlins before I caught a single Tuna.

I need space for my flower breeding autism, faggot.

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This looks shopped

Kill the default room.

installed pocket camp to get the crossover items

this game sucks, what the heck

To dab on Crownlets

Yes. Yes I did. Since removing Smash from my Switch, I found my general stress and compulsion to play for endless hours has gone. Animal Crossing has given me an odd peace of mind.

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>game take bell bags in inventory into account when displaying available funds when purchasing something
>can't put them into your wallet because reasons

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Mercy kill

Who /molly/ here?

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Random islands seem worthless outside of getting new villagers. Are there super rare islands or something?

Reminder the following are shitty design aesthetics that reflect badly on the player:
>player house is on a special massive island or on elevation 3 mountain
>commie blocks where every villager has the same square yard
>player house next to all main NPC buildings to be more "efficient"
>rock quarries
>using 4+ inclines or bridges in one spot for an "epic" location
>using waterfalls that come from nothing and that go nowhere

Default is worth removing.

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I have Phoebe. She's got a cool house and she's pretty chill

But you can?


There are. Tarantula island, hybrid flower island, big fish island etc.

Yes I found an island yesterday that only had large fresh water fish, ended up catching 30 snapping turtles. They’re currently having an HOA meeting at the nearby pond.

Having one means that you are so rich you don't care about wasting 1M bells in something so unnecessary.

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I love this duck. Only amiibo villager I've used.

Some have semi-rare flowers and multiple bell-stones

Who do I need to blow to get Coco?

I also have Phoebe, but thanks


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Anyone with a spare Parasaur Head? Last fossil!

nice shitpost

No, most of the time you just get an island with the same shit as your own island, they can still be useful for resource gathering though
But sometimes if you’re really lucky you’ll get one of the rare ones like a shark island or a tarantula island or a money rock island

But Redd is a good guy.

There's a couple
>Bamboo island
>Hybrid flower island
>Money rock island
>Rare fish islands
>Tarantula island

>using waterfalls that come from nothing and that go nowhere
Fuck, I was so close to having the perfect island according to your standards.

Wallet maxes out at like 90k


There are islands for money rocks only, crossbred flowers, and I think gold ore.
She's has a fashion interest, anyone with a musical interest will be the ones you'll see singing more often.

Thank you user for letting me sell turnips at your place I don't even remember what was your island called.

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>Preorder the game on a local store, excited to play it
>just a week for the game to drop
>quarantine suddenly starts
>w-well, maybe it will be just 2 weeks, right?
>still in quarantine to this day
>can't get my money back from the preorder, too stubborn to pay for the game again just to have it digital
>every time I think the quarantine is about to be over and I will be able to get the game, politics delay it 2 more weeks, they have been doing this constantly, so I never know if I just have to wait 5 days more or 5 more months

is there an animal crossing for the pc?

Rasher is making a Raccoon figurine
Second house up at the right after leaving the airport
Nothing special here
Dodo is H82QD

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Imagine being this incapable.

Post your island faggot

Every town I visit is a claustrophobic nightmare

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Peanut gang ww@????

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>Opinions held by people you should avoid
Nice post

Redd is my cousin! Don't be mean to him.


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emulate the GC version

Got what it takes to tell if someone is sleeping or dead? Take this quiz to find out!

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underrated squirrel

I made this town what it is, I am entitled to being the king.

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Im so happy i got her, but now i got three ducks

Smash is so much more interested in nuking the game with characters instead of improving the base game which is still a mess. I stopped playing the game for months and only play it for DLC releases and only felt better since despite I ended up hating the game more in hindsight.

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How do you know when you’re on a rare fish island?

Bro I fucking LOVE molly

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There's one in development on steam but it looks like soulless trash.

McMansions among regular animal houses are garbage you tastelet

I want to get rid of diva, puddles and snooty. Rhino girls are cute. Frogs not.

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>New game out
>But not a single new porn pic of Peanut

Are certain personality types prone to doing specific activities? Lately some of my villagers have been Naruto running in front of Resident Services with sticks in their hands, but I've noticed my resident Snooty and Cranky never do. Also I only ever find Marshal singing to music.

Oh. Is it worth opening my town for? I see sometimes in other places that some people often want it, but my 'nip prices are shit today and my town is currently in disarray while I'm terraforming.

for me its miranda i get along with snootys and crankys

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Some species of fish can only be caught mystery island fishing, same with bugs. For example, auger beetles, powderpost beetles, and mealybugs can only be found on bamboo islands.

Posting code from last thread
Nips going for 516
Come drop by if ya feel like, Rhaspodia welcomes all

Guys, I commie blocked right from the get-go because I didn't know any better. Now in order to fix this it will cost 500,000 bells at least and 10 days. What should I do? Everyone lives in the bottom left of my map.

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No, it’s Nintendo exclusive
You could try Stardew Valley though

If I get a Switch Lite, what are the chances of drifting starting within the first year?

someone open up please I need to sell



yeah you can emulate any of the previous titles on pc quite easily

Reminder the following are shitty design aesthetics that reflect badly on the player:
>upgraded his tent to a house
>didn't let the villagers choose their own location
>has more than 2 villagers
>build any of the shops
>build the museum
>has more than one type of fruit tree
>has more than one type of flower
>less than 200 weeds on his island

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Imagine unironically wanting to live next to the plebians and building your house next to your villager's abodes when you could live like a king and build a house on the highest quality isolated patch of land on your island, away from the poor people who sully the very air with their presence

Is this based on the "The Lighthouse" I love it lol who is everyone suppose to be

70% or so. That's what people report for normal joycons.

i noticed my peppys and jocks doing it but only maddie and lyman the other jocks i have are sprocket who sings and snake who i never see outside

Put wire fence around them and embrace the commie block.

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Ah, it was you. Untill next time.

Someday I will have nips for 400-500 and will help others.

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>get rid of Puddles
How dare you.

that's why the later upgrades are also pretty stupid to get. the player shouldn't have such a gigantic house, it ruins the immersion

When over half of the fish you catch are worth 15k each.

seagull is the fucking seagull, the dog is dafoe, villager is tommy. mermaid is the mermaid, octopus is the tentacles at the top of the lighthouse. mermaid is mermaid. and man on top of house with log is tommy's old boss

Yeah same now I just play animal Crossings like a deranged crack head especially now since I literally can’t go to work because Quarantine

I discovered this morning that rocks can spawn right beside nursery trees because they are considered an empty spot within their 3x3 radius.
Fuck, are they really breaking my balls.

She's tier 2 on the official tier list so that's pretty good. Sometimes the simple, classic design wins over people more than the wacky color schemes and sparkly eyes.

Okay good to know about the random islands guess I'll keep trying my luck then

>strawmanning my post because you're a time tranny commie block fag

meant to reply to

Yeah, it's also worth checking turnip exchange coz I heard they also post for other stuff like DIY maybe someone would actually give you a big tip for that.

Forgot pic. Look at this.
It's simply unreal.

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Shut up fag, you're the nigger starting shit in an animal crossing thread
The ironing

You still alive user?

break rock

Whatever keeps you up at night


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Post you're flags

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Molly is CUTE

I mean it’s not even like that
I just keep it how I would in real life, I like my villagers, but I also like my space

Pekoe is so cute bros.

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To prevent rocks from spawning near trees, I place a transparent design nearby

you are not allowed to say you love any villager until you have their photo.

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Yeah it crashed
New code is K5YSJ

I’m talking visuals dude
Like the other rare islands are pretty much immediately identifiable, is there any distinct feature for rare fish islands

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that's cute

Tangy is crafting Backyard Lawn
Sahara is in town with Oasis floor and Imperial wall

Dodo: 7RN67

Drawings of Tangy or lewds of Sahara[/spolier] appreciated

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Nips went from 160 this morning to 330 this afternoon have I peaked or should I risk it and wait for tomorrow?

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Thanks anons. I guess I'll wait until the next revision or emulate it.

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raymond is for ____

More than commie blocking, I think the real problem is fence abuse. Fences make things feel way more cramped if you're not careful. Use them sparingly and deliberately.

Commie blocks can look just fine as long as you provide a bit of breathing room. In particular, make sure you leave plenty of space vertically. it's just a matter of personal taste.

i pledge alluigeance

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I'm trying to get my Peanut to move out.


>getting rid of your slampig

why would you do such a thing...

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just play the game you fucking imbecile

rate my villagers/layout

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Reminder to get rid of your old villagers

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Everyone complaining about commie blocks while using spiked concrete fences that look straight out of a gulag

You must be a clam noob. I get a tuna on the daily. Shit, I get tunas for nook mile+


lol i hope the faggot hacker gets his head chopped off, in minecraft of course