>Look at the The Last of Us leaks
>They are literally same psychopath edgy tier as early days Postal or Manhunt
Why is this guy such a psychopath? Only thing was missing the second main character starts killing kittens and puppies, then acting like nothing happened and buys ice cream cones for the little poor children
Look at the The Last of Us leaks
That's very typical of.western game schlop.
>Why is this guy such a psychopath?
No, he watched Walking Dead season 7 and literally did the exact same thing as Negan/Glenn
This guy could make a decent postal clone.
But unfortunately he's self righterous far left cocksucker
Why does Yas Forums suddenly pretend rape and violence are bad?
Negan was villain not the main character hero.
>Yas Forums Is OnE PeRsON
I'm tired from this shit
>Why have some people, but not others*
>that graphic depictions of torture are unpleasant?
FTFY, autist who can't grasp that people like and dislike different things
Reminder that most people that shit on TLoU2 are Rockstar shills and love Red Cancer Redemption 2, so fuck off.
its more like
and then feminists make a game where you beat the shit out of women like this, its hypocritical. if feminsts are the only people who get to abuse and hurt women, why should we listen to them?
don't care about the game
what's the story and the ending?
it's bad when it's done purely for shock value and subversion
Heterosexual men are biologically programmed to care about women.
We get angry when we see one being hurt.
The last of us was literally centered around that compulsion.
It's just hypocritical because the reasons people criticize TLoU2 can be applied to both games, brainlet.
nice try, cuckmann
>includes lesbians in his game just so they can be brutalized mortal kombat style
If ND gets accolades from lgbt groups for this I’ll never take queers seriously again
>taking them serious in the first place
Except Micah isn't a tranny and you get to kill him instead of being forced to play as him
Joel gets killed by the tranny terminator
From there you play as the tranny, stealing food from children to maintain its gains
Eventually you hunt down Ellie and her girlfriend and beat the everloving fuck out of them
It ends with Ellie coming for revenge but revenge is bad so it’s a bad thing
>Except Micah isn't a tranny
Exactly, he is a blonde white guy, fitting for a muder-whitey simulator.
Except for the Negan episodes specifically made for the viewer to empathize with the character. Druckmann is a hack that isn't trying to paint one side as the empirically good guys/bad guys, but as shades of moral grey as if it's never been done before.
please elaborate
>Heterosexual men are biologically programmed to care about women
Wrong.Most men just want to have sex with them and that's all.
I really don't understand what the whole Last of Us drama is all about. Is it really just because Joel gets killed?
I know people though TLOU was good but I didn't think was THAT popular of a character. I mean who the fuck gives a shit if a character dies.
Those are simps
Imagine Kefka blowing up the planet on FF6 and then very second he becomes the main character and is a good guy.
Literally shit because it doesn't work here.
Literally some edgy school shooters fantasy.
Turning a previous protagonist into a pansy to make way for the brand new protagonist2.0 is insulting to anyone who might've liked that protagonist, as shitty as my example is
I don't speak for everyone, and it seems many are mad for different reasons; I think it's a shitshow because Druckmann acted as if we'd be shocked and applaud him for all the twists he envisioned for the characters but it reads like a typical underwhelming Hollywood movie. If you were to put TLoU 2 on the big screen, it would be doing nothing I haven't seen before despite promises of expectations being upended. Leave revenge stories to the South Koreans.
so you play a little bit as Joel, the bulk of the game as the tranny and the ending as Ellie; with the tranny being the main villain?
He's jewish.
Its because it makes the first one pointless
Hes Jewish and part of the silicon valley satanic cult
The aim is to invert everything thats beautiful and innocent and to make the population degenerate hedonistic slaves with no connection to God.
We see LGBT, abortion, murder, rape, extreme violence in all our media as its used to destroy the population, why do you think everyone is depressed and has mental issues nowadays.
When they say "subversion" this is what they are talking about. Watch Out Of The Shadows
David Icke is right about these disgusting pedophile sick elites
Pretty much this.
First of all, TLOU was never good. You're also a retard for buying into the sequel where none was needed. Enjoy your award bait garbage.