Attached: uxb0hsqo79qudsudwzt9.jpg (1100x720, 137.97K)

maybe the biggest improvement i've ever seen in a remaster

Another shitty low effort repost thread from OP

more like shit and not shit

this is my first post in months m8, too busy making bank because everyone else is too scared to work

cute and cuter


dirty pixels!!!
>wojak surprised face image

>generic kadokawa anime faces is better than the original artistic vision

Attached: black holelet.jpg (1200x1000, 189.67K)

more like cucked/based

you guys are retarded
>lighting is now fucked up
>generic anime faces that don't even look good
>depth of field

Then maybe you should get back to work instead of shitposting on Yas Forums.

more like shit and shit because it will still have the same gameplay

You faggots have done this so much that it no longer holds any meaning

>the original artistic vision
>implying it was different

I hate how anime they turned Xenoblade.

It sucks now. Cringeblade chronicles 2 killed the franchise.

>It looks more like anime now, so I can fap to it!!

I hate weebs so much. Please kill yourself.

xenoblade always was an anime

Dilate trannies

Seoul VS Seoulless

Attached: 1557874340431.png (1300x824, 1.24M)

God, anime has ruined everything I care about. I fucking hate weebshit so much.

>i hate how anime they turned this jrpg series

Attached: 1568203888034.png (468x583, 497.17K)

I love anime, just not in my xenoblade
It's right there in the OP how it was a normal game before anime took over.

Attached: soul - soulless.png (1024x337, 99.38K)

>I love anime, just not in my xenoblade
What did he mean by this?

Definitive looks like a MMD video

Since it's a japanese game, You have to read that picture from right to left.
Glad we agree OP, the remake looks great!

Attached: 1423504803722.jpg (256x256, 56.7K)

>want more material to be creative instead of falling into the same tired art-style every time
>this makes me a tranny
well shit guess I'll go suck my own dick one last time

Left really does have more soul, the eyes while still big as fuck look more organic and the right looks manufactured & glassy doll-like.

Congrats, you just proved to the entire board you’re a smashfag who’s never played the OG games on PlayStation

why do xenoblade fans like to pretend their game isn't japanese

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Fuck that shite.

Xenoblade > old boomer shit

>Xenoblade fans
It's just shitposters.


>I can’t believe that a better version of my favourite game exist so all I’m going to do is call it soulless and nitpick changes that aren’t noticed by the average person

Did you not play Xenogears or Xenosaga?

Attached: Xenosaga Episode 1.jpg (1280x720, 102.92K)

>why do former xenoblade fans[...]
Fixed for you
I'm not a fan anymore
Anime killed it.

yeah Xenosaga was much worse than this

also this contrarian board is fucking retarded, the original faces of Xenoblade are ugly as sin and the remaster shows definitive improvement because the faces aren't blurry 100x100 flat .jpg

Well it's sure bigger.

>No mah meme game no longer looks trash it now looks like its MUCH more successful follow up.

Attached: 066.jpg (631x477, 52.57K)

Keep saying it

> xenoblade 1
> had a literal campaign to get a western release
> sold like hotcakes for its limited stock
> proved to Nintendo almost singlehandedly that the west still likes their JRPGs
> meme game

Attached: thinking.jpg (330x340, 29.58K)

>implying OP's favourite game

Xenoblade 1's original faces looked pretty good from certain angles and it was admirable that they used the same ones for cutscenes and actual gameplay, but the remake is definitely an improvement.

I 100% agree. Animefags ruined anime.