Not a single thread will stop the success of this game, and you know it Yas Forums.
97 META, 3 millions sales in one week
Doesn't mean it's going to be good.
Well yeah, snoyboys are retards who will consoom anything the company shits out. Doesn't mean it's not shit.
>Not a single thread
dumb ESL, never make a thread again
Morons eat shit more news at 11
He is right.
Who the fuck is this random and why is he constantly spammed on Yas Forums?
Nice fan fiction.
Ah yes, Sony shill says Sony game will still sell
of course it will be successful because 90 percent of gamers have a shit taste
Question is if Last of Us 3 will sell as well as the last 2
>If the game turns out to be good I watch a playthrough on the internet
>If the game turns out to be bad I enjoy the shitshow that ensues
Either way they're not getting my money
Based Sony
I was hyped for it.
Now I plan to wait until I can catch it on sale. No way I'm paying $60 for it.
Impulsive gamers will buy it to mindlessly slog through like they buy all overhyped shit. But will it be enough? Every normgroid is gonna know they killed the character they liked. Honestly it could be another mass effect andromeda or fallout 76 level of dumpster fire. The game just looks dull and shitty, on top of everything.
Not single thread predicting smash characters makes the game come out sooner.
Doesn't stop faggots does it?
And it will kill TLOU 3 in the process.
What is damage control?
Like when the Borg ship blows up.
They keep chanting "Give up, resistance is futile!"
>Yas Forums the anti anything not white board doesn't like something so that means it wont do well!
This is beyond the Yas Forums bubble regular folks are pissed cause they liked Joel and Ellie
Yas Forums actually believes they can effect a games sales did tortanic make Yas Forums retarded I can still remember the pokeman boycott 20 million incoming
How many regular people though. TLOU sold a ton of copies. Bunch of these normal people are avoiding spoilers.
so where are they if you say twitter or reddit kys they are not normies they are minoritys same with this place
post the webm
Why didn't she sue them?
I couldn't care less about the game's success at this point, I'm just enjoying all the memes and shitposting this game is providing for us
They changed her look.
And turned Ellie gay.
They released the DLC the same day Friday, Feb 14, 2014, the same day Ellen Paige came out that she caught the gay.
In her honor the gave Ellie the gay also to appease Ellen.
I never played this game. She became a gay character in the DLC? But how could they release it the same day she made her annoucement?
No, but it'll help contain most Yas Forumslacks in seething threads for a while. Might actually have threads that aren't derailed immediately.
>But how could they release it the same day she made her announcement?
They knew she was gay.
They said they would make Ellie gay if she didn't sue them.
They ask her what day she is coming out as gay.
She tells them. FEB.14,2014
They make the DLC and have it waiting to be released the same day.
I don't doubt it will sell a lot, but that shitshow of a story will kneecap it for sure, i doubt it will crack the 90s
certainly not with the audience, but critics will be hard pressed to not praise the game.